Your pillowcase size is a critical aspect of your sleep routine that can affect your skin. It might seem trivial, but using a pillowcase that’s too large or too small can cause friction and pressure on your skin as you sleep, potentially leading to wrinkles and other skin issues. A properly-sized pillowcase, preferably made of silk or satin, can minimize friction and help maintain skin smoothness.

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, even on the weekends, can greatly improve your skin's health. When your sleep pattern is erratic, it can throw off your body's internal clock, leading to poor sleep quality and subsequently causing stress, which can exacerbate skin issues like acne and eczema. Aim for a minimum of seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

As sites like Women's Concepts — https://womensconcepts.com/ — often point out, cleansing your face before bed is a crucial step for skin health. Throughout the day, your skin accumulates dirt, oil, and pollutants that can clog your pores and contribute to breakouts. Washing your face before bed removes these impurities and gives your skin a fresh start for the reparative processes that happen during sleep. Remember to use a gentle, skin-friendly cleanser and follow up with a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.