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The Best Museums in New York City

We prepared a long list of 65 museums for you to tour New York and enjoy the city the best way possible! In this list you'll find the museum categories, their location, cost, time to visit, and attractions, as well as their websites for additional information and a picture to easily identify them. If you like our list, feel free to make a copy for you and share with your friends which may also like it. Noticed we've used formal categories of museums created by the History of Museums site.

Published 2 years ago
Mayors of New York City

This is a list of mayors of New York City. We've compiled their names, pictures, years of service, period, party and a few curious details we've found here and there. BUT this list is a work in progress and we need your help! If you are a Historian or have knowledge about any of the missing pieces of some of the mayors, make sure you click on "Suggest an item" and we will add your suggestions.

We are compiling the best New York City lists! Support our work by liking this list!

Published 2 years ago
The Ultimate List of Colleges and Universities of New York City

This is a list of colleges and universities in New York City, sortable by star rating, and categorized in type (proprietary, coed, private or public), Neighbourhood and ranking.  We compiled information from different sources to create a resource students can use to view the information in different ways.

Published 2 years ago
New York's Safest Neighbourhoods

We've compiled the best neighborhoods in New York City regarding safety, including different boroughs such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, etc. We've used the Areavibes site score as a reference point for safety, as their algorithm encompasses multiple criteria that determine how livable a certain area is. Feel free to add suggestions if you disagree with our assessment! And leave a like if you believe this can be a helpful resource!

Published 2 years ago