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Pro Cook
Best Kitchen Knives

In this list, we will be looking at the best kitchen knives for you to use in your kitchen.

There are many different types of knives that you can purchase and use in your kitchen, but not all of them are created equally. The type of knife that you need is going to depend on the type of food that you cook with it.

There are a few different types of knives that are commonly used in a kitchen: chef's knife, utility knife, paring knife, carving knife and bread knife.

The chef's knife is the most common and is used for chopping vegetables and slicing meat. A utility knife is also commonly used for slicing meat but can also be used as a general-purpose tool around the house such as opening packages or cutting rope or twine.

Published 2 years ago
Best mini microwaves for dorms

Dorm rooms are often tight on space, which might make you question whether or not you need a microwave.

But most college students will admit that they’re extremely convenient to have. You can heat leftovers, melt butter, and warm up water all with one machine.

Here I’ve compiled a list of the best microwaves for dorms so you can sleep easy at night knowing your microwave is going to be perfect for heating food and beverages.

Published 2 years ago
Best Oil to Season Cast Iron

Seasoning cast iron is a process of bonding oils to the metal through heating. The oil penetrates and coats the metal surface chemically (bonding), forming a complex film that improves the cooking surface, e.g., it makes it less reactive.

Searching for the best-cast iron care products for your cooking needs? In this list, you'll find the best cooking oil created specifically for seasoning, cleaning, and restoring cast iron cookware.

Published 2 years ago