There’s nothing wrong with having fun and relaxing from time to time, but during your junior year vacations, you might want to start exploring your options. Look into good universities that you can afford or might be able to get into with a scholarship, and don’t forget to note their deadlines. Consider studying and retaking your SATs if you didn’t perform well the last time.

It’s understandable if you want to leave an impression, but don’t try to swoon colleges with achievements or passions that you’ve never had. At the end of the day, getting into a university that you don’t fit in doesn’t help anyone, especially not yourself. Besides, your application reviewer will always find out whether you’re lying or not.

You might not be great at academics or might not have done very well on your SATs, but colleges look into applications at every angle. Understand your strengths and focus on those. If you’re great with Math, perhaps you’d want to consider a college specializing in a Mathematics course. If you have a knack for singing, apply for a college that offer plenty of opportunities for the performing arts.

You might not want to bother your loved ones, but now is a good time as any to involve them. Your parents, in particular, need to know which schools you’re eyeing so they’ll be prepared as well, especially if financial assistance might be necessary. Being on the same page with them can avoid frustrations and emotional issues that you wouldn’t want during this time.
If you’re having a hard time juggling your school activities and college applications, get in touch with http://www.quantumprep.com.hk/ to speak with a university consultant who can guide you on your application forms, essays, and other things that can help you get into your dream school.