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Jannie Lisonbee
Arizona based woodburning artist and pyrography teacher. Jannie has sold her art world wide, and now hosts live demonstrations + creates woodburning courses to help pyrography artists and crafters reach their highest potential.
Arizona, USA
Supplies and Tools You Need To Get Started With Pyrography (a.k.a. Woodburning)

If you are looking for the best pyrography tools, you are in the right place! Whether you are starting out with woodburning as a hobby or a business, this comprehensive list can help you find the best woodburning tools and supplies available on the market.

My goal is to help YOU find pyrography tools that you love.

I've assessed the items based on function, category, whether or not they are necessary or just helpful, and whether or not they are worth buying.

Click on the video column to watch the explanation and usage instructions for each tool and material.

For the ultimate beginner woodburning techniques, watch the full video here.

Once you buy your tools, don't forget to learn how to use them!

You can also follow me on YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for woodburning projects and inspiration.


Jannie Lisonbee

Pyro Professor | Woodburning Artist | Founder of Burn Savvy

Published 3 years ago