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Goldie W
2019 Everyday Makeup Collection

Hi! This is my personal makeup collection I have used in the past and present. Feel free to reference and share my makeup products. I welcome you to indulge as you see fit! Enjoy :) -g xoxo

Published 6 years ago
Things to do in Hong Kong

A personal list of places in Hong Kong I recommend all my family and friends to check out if it's their first time in my hometown! Whether it's only just one day or a week, pick and choose which places pique your interests and go for it. Happy exploring! Also, check out my next list, Places to EAT in Hong Kong, coming soon.  Enjoy!

Published 6 years ago
Best of Bali

Based on a few amazing trips to Bali, this is a list of some of the best of what I've experienced and would love to share with travelers visiting for the first time! I have a feeling this is only just scratching the surface of what this lush destination has to offer. I hope this handful of recommendations gets you off to a great start! Enjoy beautiful Bali, Indonesia.

Published 6 years ago