Who's responsible?
- When6 to 3 months in advance
- When8 Weeks
Notify landlord if you are renting
$0.00Legal8 WeeksMeSearch for moving companies
$0.00Removalists8 WeeksStart sorting and disposing
$0.00Declutter8 WeeksEveryoneGet kids' school records organized
$0.00Kids8 WeeksMe- When6 Weeks
Buy boxes, supplies and markers
$50.00Preparation6 WeeksMeNotify electricity provider
$0.00Change of address6 WeeksMeNotify water provider
$0.00Change of address6 WeeksMeNotify phone provider
$0.00Change of address6 WeeksMeNotify gas provider
$0.00Change of address6 WeeksMeNotify internet provider
$0.00Change of address6 WeeksMeNotify cable TV provider
$0.00Change of address6 WeeksMeGet quotations from moving companies
$0.00Removalists6 WeeksCheck your insurance
$0.00Legal6 WeeksOrganize a sale
$0.00Declutter6 WeeksEveryone- When4 Weeks
Use up things you don't want to move
$0.00Declutter4 WeeksEveryoneTake measurements in the new house
$0.00New house check4 WeeksChoose moving company
$1,500.00Removalists4 WeeksEveryoneBegin packing
$0.00Declutter4 WeeksEveryoneMark every box with a label
$0.00Declutter4 WeeksEveryoneCollect valuables in a safe box
$0.00Declutter4 WeeksNotify employer
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify bank
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify credit card provider
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify insurance
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify social security
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify car registration
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify voter registration
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMeNotify loyalty card providers
$0.00Change of address4 WeeksMe
- When6 to 3 months in advance
- When8 Weeks
Notify landlord if you are renting
Search for moving companies
Start sorting and disposing
Get kids' school records organized
- When6 Weeks
Buy boxes, supplies and markers
Notify electricity provider
Notify water provider
Notify phone provider
Notify gas provider
Notify internet provider
Notify cable TV provider
Get quotations from moving companies
Check your insurance
Organize a sale
- When4 Weeks
Use up things you don't want to move
Take measurements in the new house
Choose moving company
Begin packing
Mark every box with a label
Collect valuables in a safe box
Notify employer
Notify bank
Notify credit card provider
Notify insurance
Notify social security
Notify car registration