Fresh ingredients are better than close to their use-by date and always superior to frozen. You would rather hear that asparagus or salmon is not on the menu than be served something just that little bit past its best. Restaurants know that too, and inventory management systems track the fresh food in the fridges, alerting the chef when something has been there too long or when something is about to run out. This means the restaurant can order in fresh as needed, giving you a better meal at a better price.
A restaurant is a business, and you, the customer, have to pay to enjoy the food. Good restaurants use great ingredients, and some of these ingredients have to be discarded if they aren’t used in time. The price of that waste will have to be built into the cost of your meal. Not only will the inventory management automation help keep it fresh, but it will also allow the restaurant to buy only what is needed and so limit expensive food waste. While we don’t mind paying for good food, nobody wants to pay for food thrown away.
Anyone who has ever cooked a meal with more than four ingredients will appreciate the planning and execution that goes into that. Multiply that meal by 20 different menu items, with a hundred different ingredients, cooked by several chefs, to be ready on-demand over the course of a typical restaurant evening. Order tracking software can manage the preparation and cooking schedule of each order to make sure every guest at a table gets the different meals they have ordered at the same time, perfectly cooked just in time.
Several ingredients are far superior when freshly made compared to the chilled or frozen alternatives. But some, like potatoes, pasta, or noodles, are highly labor-intensive to prepare or make by hand and can require specialist skills. Automatic potato-peeling, pasta rollers, and cutting machines ensure crisp fries and creamy mashed potatoes on demand. The popularity of high-quality ramen can only be sustained by using a specialized ramen noodle machine.
Restaurants can use their inventory management system to customize the menu every day. This can result in fresh ingredients and seasonal specialties being offered, while out-of-stock or no longer fresh foods can be removed. A daily menu can be electronic or simply printed and revised over the course of the serving day.
Few would want to tell the waiter that the soup was a bit bland, and some wouldn’t mention that the fish was particularly good that evening, and even if they did, the information would be random and unorganized. But we all love to criticize or compliment online, and a restaurant that provides a portal for such feedback will gain valuable insight into the food, service, prices, atmosphere, and other factors that can make or break a dining experience.
A restaurant operates in a data-rich environment. Automated data analysis will collect, sort, and analyze all this data. It will give the restaurant a wealth of information about customer preferences, their feedback, and how orders change with the seasons, day of the week, or even time of day. This information will be a boon to making menu decisions, setting prices, and tweaking operations to ensure the best customer satisfaction at the optimal profit margin.