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A Handy list of Organizations Collecting Donations for Ukraine 2022

On February 26th, Russia invaded Ukraine, launching attacks on multiple cities, damaging and destroying lives, infrastructure and livelihoods.

Hundreds of thousands of refugees escaped to neighboring countries, and the international community rallied together to support them. In this process, people worldwide want to help in any way they can - and in this climate, scammers tend to take advantage of people's compassion and empathy. 

Our Listium Team has come together to create this resource and help direct donations to trustworthy charities that are accredited by multiple transparency-verifying organizations, as well as understand if your donation is going directly to the people affected and for what purpose. 

This list is a joint effort, and we are accepting suggestions and contributions to improving, adding more organizations, and taking in feedback to update it daily. 

Bear in mind we have used a few standardized transparency checks that may not exist in Ukraine, but that does not mean the local charities listed are automatically deemed scams. It just means you may want to choose a verified organization. 

Image by Tina Hartung - Via Unsplash

18th March 2022 in society
A Handy list of Organizations Collecting Donations for Ukraine 2022
Suggest Item
  • Save The ChildrenSave The Children
  • Global GivingGlobal Giving
  • International Medical CorpsInternational Medical Corps
  • Care InternationalCare International
  • International Rescue CommitteeInternational Rescue Committee
  • Catholic Relief ServicesCatholic Relief Services
  • Medical Teams InternationalMedical Teams International
  • Mercy CorpsMercy Corps
  • RazomRazom
  • World Central KitchenWorld Central Kitchen
  • Operation USAOperation USA