An important thing to know when it comes to property tax in Italy is that it is often a question of local regions and municipalities. Property tax requirements can vary from place to place in Italy.
The most important body to consider in these cases is usually the local regions and municipalities, which have the authority to set their own tax rate and regulations.
In fact, this contributes significantly to why there may be a few variations between regions and why it is usually important to consult an expert before you proceed.

In Italy, properties that happen to be the owner's primary residence are often taxed differently. In most cases, this kind of property is usually eligible for various exemptions. Or at least those who don't qualify for complete exemption may qualify for a reduction in the property tax rate.
Again, building on the point above, just as the taxation rates can vary between regions, the level of exemptions and whether or not they apply to primary residences may also be subject to specific conditions and thresholds that differ based on regions.

Another important thing to note about the property tax in Italy is the payment deadlines. As with most countries, the remittance of property taxes in Italy does come with its own deadline.
Typically, property tax in Italy is due in two installments during the year. This is usually common for most regions of the country, but of course, as established earlier, specific requirements may differ slightly between regions.
Getting familiar with all aspects of the Italian property tax law takes time. Ultimately, it may even be impossible to navigate these waters on your own. For this reason, it is highly advisable to work with an Italian Property Tax firm to help guide you through the murky waters and ensure optimal outcomes.