By building an established business, you don’t need to start from scratch. You can save a lot of time in research and marketing. You don’t need to worry anymore about finding your ideal audience or building brand awareness. You already have an existing customer base that you can get in touch with to make future sales. If your purchase includes the whole team, you can also save time in hiring and training new employees. You’ll be working with a turnkey team that is already familiar and maybe even more knowledgeable than you are with the current business model. There are also established supplier relationships that ensure consistency in your supply chain.

While there’s some sense of pride and satisfaction in starting your own business, one of the biggest challenges is earning your first dollar. Before you can determine profitability, you must have already recouped your initial investment and paid your debts. When you purchase an established business, you can expect a steady revenue each month and not worry about where to get your next paycheck.

The beauty of an eCommerce business is that you can run it from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and an internet. You can even outsource mundane tasks to online freelancers from third-world countries and save a lot of money in salaries. Whether you’re chilling at home or dipping in the blue waters of Maldives, your business can run smoothly without your constant supervision. Once you’ve decided to buy an eCommerce business, the next step is to ensure you’re getting one from a legitimate and reputable marketplace like StoreCoach.com. You’ll be able to see the business’s age, monthly net profit, and monthly gross profit so you can better decide if it’s worth it.