The highly renowned and widely acclaimed comic strip known as Peanuts, created by the esteemed Charles M. Schulz, and also referred to as the Charlie Brown comic strip, is a syndicated daily and Sunday comic strip that commenced on October 2, 1950, and eventually culminated on February 13, 2000, a mere solitary day after Schulz's death.
The comic strip's plotline primarily revolves around a multifarious cast of characters, inclusive of Charlie Brown, his dog Snoopy, and his friends Linus, Lucy, Peppermint Patty, Marcie, Sally, Schroeder, and many others, each of whom depict their own distinctive personalities and traits.
The comic strip's overarching themes encompass a vast spectrum of subjects, including but not limited to friendship, school, holidays, and family, and it is celebrated for its simplistic yet profound observations on life. Furthermore, this comic strip has been translated into an extensive array of more than 25 languages and has undergone numerous adaptations, including television specials, films, and stage productions, amongst others.