Even if the marriage ended up bitterly, try not to think of the union as a total disaster. Instead of ruminating about the awful experiences, try to remember the positive ones. Perhaps you married your first love or shared three kids with your former partner. There might still be some things to be thankful for because it happened, even if it ended.
Some marriages just do not last, no matter how much effort has been put in. Sometimes, there’s the urge to hold on longer, hoping that things will change. But if you’re being abused, neglected, unloved, or you’re starting to lose your identity in the marriage, accept that divorce might be the only way to save whatever is left of your dignity and self-respect.
You are not a superhero. Even if you might have little kids to rely on you for strength, you have the right to feel things. It’s okay to ask for help if you are hurting. Remember to surround yourself with kind, loving, and non-judgmental people who will be your source of support during the hardest times.
Check out KasparLugay.com if you need to get in touch with a Corte Madera divorce lawyer. Their team has extensive experience in all matters of family law and can guide you on the best course of action.