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Tae Kim - Financial Tortoise
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Best Personal Finance Books

What is a common habit shared by all successful individuals? They are all avid readers, and I don't mean just skimming a few pages. They immerse themselves in extensive reading. For instance, it's been noted that Bill Gates reads around 50 books annually. He even dedicates two weeks each year solely to reading. Warren Buffett allocates a significant portion of his day, approximately 80%, to reading. Elon Musk, the visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX, educated himself in rocket science by consuming numerous science books. Oprah Winfrey views reading as her route to personal liberation. She unlocked a world beyond her Mississippi farm when she learned to read at the age of three. In the spirit of celebrating reading, this list will delve into a review of nine of my preferred and, in my opinion, the finest personal finance books available.

Published a year ago