Whether it’s for you or your significant other, adding some extra-nice lingerie into the mix can be a great way to add to the sexual experience. Investing in lingerie can be something nice and easy to turn to as it can add colour and craft to the overall sexual experience.
Changing it up a little can go a long way to ensuring that you feel things are progressing, too, helping inject fresh life into the fun.
Sex toys can almost feel taboo with some people, but there is no reason for you to think like that. We would recommend that you buy some sex toys to try out: many starter kits exist through big-name brands like Ann Summers and even through platforms like Lovehoney.
Sex toys can be a good way to inject a bit of extra flow into foreplay and make it easier for you and your partner to discover new things about one another.
This might seem an odd way to improve your sex life, but one of the main problems for many people is not being able to talk the talk. Sexy conversation can turn the bedroom into a much different place; you need to know what to say and, crucially, how to say it!
Get some experience by using a phone line such as www.phonesexlines.uk. This puts you in contact with someone who can help you build that much-needed self-belief and sexual swagger.
You likely know what you want, but feel self-confident in admitting that. Well, now is the time to lose that inhibition. Be more honest with your partner about the things in the bedroom that you would like.
Honesty is the best policy – always – and can make it easier for you and your partner to appreciate what both of you enjoy the most in the bedroom. This can also make it easier for you to be truthful with one another about what you like and dislike when you get busy, as opposed to simply making do as ‘something is better than nothing.’