General Naomori Kawarada
- Ashina Outskirts
- Prayer Bead
- Gourd Seed
Chained Ogre
- Ashina Outskirts
- Ashina Castle
- Prayer Bead
- Shinobi Medicine
General Tenzen Yamauchi
- Ashina Outskirts
- Prayer Bead
Gyoubu Oniwa
- Ashina Outskirts
- Memory: Gyoubu Oniwa
- Mechanical Barrel
Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen
- Hirata Estate
- Prayer Bead
Juzou the Drunkard
- Hirata Estate
- Unrefined Sake
- Prayer Bead
Lady Butterfly
- Hirata Estate
- Memory Lady Butterfly
- Sakura Droplet
Blazing Bull
- Ashina Outskirts
- Prayer Bead
- Shinobi Medicine Rank 2
General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
- Ashina Castle
- Prayer Bead
Seven Ashina Spears – Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi
- Ashina Castle
- Prayer Bead
Lone Shadow Longswordsman
- Ashina Castle
- Scrap Magnetite
- Prayer Bead
Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze
- Ashina Castle
- Prayer Bead
Genichiro Ashina
- Ashina Castle
- Memory: Genichiro
- Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu
Armored Warrior
- Senpou Temple
- Prayer Bead
- Breath of Nature: Shadow
Long-arm Centipede Sen’un
- Senpou Temple
- Yellow Gundpowder
- Prayer Bead
Folding Screen Monkeys
- Senpou Temple
- Memory: Screen Monkeys
- Puppeteer Ninjutsu
Snake Eyes Shirahagi
- Ashina Depths
- Prayer Bead
Tokujiro the Glutton
- Ashina Depths
- Unrefined Sake
- Prayer Bead
Mist Noble
- Ashina Depths
- Lump of Grave Wax
O’rin of the Water
- Ashina Depths
- Prayer Bead
- Breath of Life: Shadow
Corrupted Monk
- Ashina Depths
- Memory: Corrupted Monk
- Mibu Breathing Technique
Snake Eyes Shirafuji
- Sunken Valley
- Prayer Bead
Long-arm Centipede Giraffe
- Sunken Valley
- Yellow Gunpowder
- Prayer Bead
Guardian Ape
- Sunken Valley
- Memory: Guardian Ape
- Slender Finger
Lone Shadow Vilehand
- Ashina Castle
- Lump of Fat Wax
- Prayer Bead
Emma, The Gentle Blade
- Ashina Castle
- Triggers the Isshin Ashina Boss Fight
Isshin Ashina
- Ashina Castle
- Memory: Isshin Ashina
- One Mind Skill
- Shura Ending
Great Shinobi Owl
- Ashina Castle
- Memory: Great Shinobi
- Aromatic Branch
True Corrupted Monk
- Fountainhead Palace
- Memory: True Monk
- Dragon’s Tally Board
- “Corrupted Monk” trophy / achievement
Great Serpent
- Senpou Temple
- Fresh Serpent Viscera
- Great Serpent trophy / achievement
Guardian Ape Undying
- Ashina Depths
- 2 x Prayer Beads, Bestowal Ninjutsu
- Guardian Ape Immortality Severed trophy / achievement
Sakura Bull of the Palace
- Fountainhead Palace
- Prayer Bead
- A Beast’s Karma Latent Skill
Okami Leader Shizu
- Fountainhead Palace
- Prayer Bead
Great Colored Carp
- Fountainhead Palace
- Great White Whisker
- Great Colored Carp trophy / achievement
Shichimen Warrior
- Abandoned Dungeon
- Fountainhead Palace
- Ashina Depths
- Ceremonial Tanto
- Lapis Lazuli
- Malcontent’s Ring
Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer
- Ashina Castle
- Yellow Gunpowder
- Prayer Bead
- Ashina Outskirts
- Ashina Depths
- Sunken Valley
- Ako’s Spiritfall
- Gachiin’s Spiritfall
- Gokan’s Spiritfall
Underwater Headless
- Ashina Castle
- Fountainhead Palace
- Ungo’s Spiritfall
- Yashariku’s Spiritfall
Divine Dragon
- Fountainhead Palace
- Memory: Divine Dragon
- Divine Dragon’s Tears
Seven Ashina Spears – Shume Masaji Oniwa
- Ashina Castle
- Prayer Bead
Shigekichi of the Red Guard
- Ashina Outskirts
- Prayer Bead
Ashina Elite – Ujinari Mizuo
- Ashina Castle
- Prayer Bead
Demon Of Hatred
- Ashina Outskirts
- Memory: Hatred Demon
- 2 x Lapis Lazuli
Lone Shadow Masanaga Spear-Bearer (Purification Ending Only)
- Hirata Estate
- Prayer Bead
Juzou the Drunkard 2nd Version (Purification Ending Only)
- Hirata Estate
- Prayer Bead
Owl Father – Great Shinobi Owl (Purification Ending Only)
- Hirata Estate
- Memory: Foster Father
- Aromatic Flower
Isshin, the Sword Saint (Endboss)
- Ashina Castle
- Memory: Saint Isshin
- Dragon Flash