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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Bosses in Order

We've listed all 47 bosses in Sekiro: shadows die twice, in order, for you to check and learn. Notice we've found the best tutorials on YouTube to help you defeat each of them, from multiple creators, to help also promote their hard work.

The list is displayed as columns, but you can easily turn it into a table by choosing the "table" option on the menu below this description (on desktop), or on the top right corner (on mobile). You can use the filter feature to separate the bosses per location.

Make a copy and enjoy!

Gaming Collective
Gaming Collective
12th November 2022 in video gaming
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Bosses in Order
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How to Kill It:
General Naomori Kawarada

General Naomori Kawarada

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Prayer Bead
  • Gourd Seed
Chained Ogre

Chained Ogre

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Ashina Castle
  • Prayer Bead
  • Shinobi Medicine
General Tenzen Yamauchi

General Tenzen Yamauchi

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Prayer Bead
Gyoubu Oniwa

Gyoubu Oniwa

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Memory: Gyoubu Oniwa
  • Mechanical Barrel
Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen

Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen

  • Hirata Estate
  • Prayer Bead
Juzou the Drunkard

Juzou the Drunkard

  • Hirata Estate
  • Unrefined Sake
  • Prayer Bead
Lady Butterfly

Lady Butterfly

  • Hirata Estate
  • Memory Lady Butterfly
  • Sakura Droplet
Blazing Bull

Blazing Bull

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Prayer Bead
  • Shinobi Medicine Rank 2
General Kuranosuke Matsumoto

General Kuranosuke Matsumoto

  • Ashina Castle
  • Prayer Bead
Seven Ashina Spears – Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi

Seven Ashina Spears – Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi

  • Ashina Castle
  • Prayer Bead
Lone Shadow Longswordsman

Lone Shadow Longswordsman

  • Ashina Castle
  • Scrap Magnetite
  • Prayer Bead
Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze

Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze

  • Ashina Castle
  • Prayer Bead
Genichiro Ashina

Genichiro Ashina

  • Ashina Castle
  • Memory: Genichiro
  • Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu
Armored Warrior

Armored Warrior

  • Senpou Temple
  • Prayer Bead
  • Breath of Nature: Shadow
Long-arm Centipede Sen’un

Long-arm Centipede Sen’un

  • Senpou Temple
  • Yellow Gundpowder
  • Prayer Bead
Folding Screen Monkeys

Folding Screen Monkeys

  • Senpou Temple
  • Memory: Screen Monkeys
  • Puppeteer Ninjutsu
Snake Eyes Shirahagi

Snake Eyes Shirahagi

  • Ashina Depths
  • Prayer Bead
Tokujiro the Glutton

Tokujiro the Glutton

  • Ashina Depths
  • Unrefined Sake
  • Prayer Bead
Mist Noble

Mist Noble

  • Ashina Depths
  • Lump of Grave Wax
O’rin of the Water

O’rin of the Water

  • Ashina Depths
  • Prayer Bead
  • Breath of Life: Shadow
Corrupted Monk

Corrupted Monk

  • Ashina Depths
  • Memory: Corrupted Monk
  • Mibu Breathing Technique
Snake Eyes Shirafuji

Snake Eyes Shirafuji

  • Sunken Valley
  • Prayer Bead
Long-arm Centipede Giraffe

Long-arm Centipede Giraffe

  • Sunken Valley
  • Yellow Gunpowder
  • Prayer Bead
Guardian Ape

Guardian Ape

  • Sunken Valley
  • Memory: Guardian Ape
  • Slender Finger
Lone Shadow Vilehand

Lone Shadow Vilehand

  • Ashina Castle
  • Lump of Fat Wax
  • Prayer Bead
Emma, The Gentle Blade

Emma, The Gentle Blade

  • Ashina Castle
  • Triggers the Isshin Ashina Boss Fight
Isshin Ashina

Isshin Ashina

  • Ashina Castle
  • Memory: Isshin Ashina
  • One Mind Skill
  • Shura Ending
Great Shinobi Owl

Great Shinobi Owl

  • Ashina Castle
  • Memory: Great Shinobi
  • Aromatic Branch
True Corrupted Monk

True Corrupted Monk

  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Memory: True Monk
  • Dragon’s Tally Board
  • “Corrupted Monk” trophy / achievement
Great Serpent

Great Serpent

  • Senpou Temple
  • Fresh Serpent Viscera
  • Great Serpent trophy / achievement
Guardian Ape Undying

Guardian Ape Undying

  • Ashina Depths
  • 2 x Prayer Beads, Bestowal Ninjutsu
  • Guardian Ape Immortality Severed trophy / achievement
Sakura Bull of the Palace

Sakura Bull of the Palace

  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Prayer Bead
  • A Beast’s Karma Latent Skill
Okami Leader Shizu

Okami Leader Shizu

  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Prayer Bead
Great Colored Carp

Great Colored Carp

  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Great White Whisker
  • Great Colored Carp trophy / achievement
Shichimen Warrior

Shichimen Warrior

  • Abandoned Dungeon
  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Ashina Depths
  • Ceremonial Tanto


  • Lapis Lazuli


  • Malcontent’s Ring
Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer

Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer

  • Ashina Castle
  • Yellow Gunpowder
  • Prayer Bead


  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Ashina Depths
  • Sunken Valley
  • Ako’s Spiritfall


  • Gachiin’s Spiritfall


  • Gokan’s Spiritfall
Underwater Headless

Underwater Headless

  • Ashina Castle
  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Ungo’s Spiritfall


  • Yashariku’s Spiritfall
Divine Dragon

Divine Dragon

  • Fountainhead Palace
  • Memory: Divine Dragon
  • Divine Dragon’s Tears
Seven Ashina Spears – Shume Masaji Oniwa

Seven Ashina Spears – Shume Masaji Oniwa

  • Ashina Castle
  • Prayer Bead
Shigekichi of the Red Guard

Shigekichi of the Red Guard

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Prayer Bead
Ashina Elite – Ujinari Mizuo

Ashina Elite – Ujinari Mizuo

  • Ashina Castle
  • Prayer Bead
Demon Of Hatred

Demon Of Hatred

  • Ashina Outskirts
  • Memory: Hatred Demon
  • 2 x Lapis Lazuli
Lone Shadow Masanaga Spear-Bearer (Purification Ending Only)

Lone Shadow Masanaga Spear-Bearer (Purification Ending Only)

  • Hirata Estate
  • Prayer Bead
Juzou the Drunkard 2nd Version (Purification Ending Only)

Juzou the Drunkard 2nd Version (Purification Ending Only)

  • Hirata Estate
  • Prayer Bead
Owl Father – Great Shinobi Owl (Purification Ending Only)

Owl Father – Great Shinobi Owl (Purification Ending Only)

  • Hirata Estate
  • Memory: Foster Father
  • Aromatic Flower
Isshin, the Sword Saint (Endboss)

Isshin, the Sword Saint (Endboss)

  • Ashina Castle
  • Memory: Saint Isshin
  • Dragon Flash
Is this list missing something?  Suggest an addition  and we'll send the list owner a message.
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Zelda BotW - Shrine List

Sourced from Credit to zoycitek

Sourced from Credit to zoycitek

Thomas Davis
Updated 2 years ago
Control: All Hidden Locations List and Guide

Control is full of secrets, mysteries and awful Hiss monsters that show up while you’re trying to explore the farthest reaches of the Oldest House. Tucked away inside the shifting Brutalist architecture are several Hidden Locations.This list will show you how to find them.

Control is full of secrets, mysteries and awful Hiss monsters that show up while you’re trying to explore the farthest reaches of the Oldest House. Tucked away inside the shifting Brutalist architecture are several Hidden Locations.This list will show you how to find them.

Ric Laurence
Published 5 years ago
Spider-Man PS4: All Secret Photo Ops Location Checklist

You can nearly everything do in Spider-Man on PS4 from the beginning of the game. There is, however, one secret task you won’t be told about. Scattered across Spider-Man’s New York are 50 Secret Photo Ops. Complete all secret photos for a "Secret Suit".

You can nearly everything do in Spider-Man on PS4 from the beginning of the game. There is, however, one secret task you won’t be told about. Scattered across Spider-Man’s New York are 50 Secret Photo Ops. Complete all secret photos for a "Secret Suit".

Ric Laurence
Published 5 years ago
Terraria Bosses in Order

This list was created to help all terraria players out there to overcome the bosses, as well as help completionists have a helpful resource to copy and check each boss as they defeat them. We've compiled the information from multiple different sources, as well as listed down the best video tutorials we found, so this list can help you defeat every single terraria boss easily.

The best way to view this list is as a comparison list, but if you intend to mark down as you defeat the bosses, you can switch views into Table mode. The menu to change views is below this description (on desktop) or on the top right corner (on mobile).

We've compiled the information from all these different creators, who you should support:

Terraria Wiki





Scalelord Gaming

Udisen Games

Boss Fighter




This list was created to help all terraria players out there to overcome the bosses, as well as help completionists have a helpful resource to copy and check each boss as they defeat them. We've compiled the information from multiple different sources, as well as listed down the best video tutorials we found, so this list can help you defeat every single terraria boss easily.

The best way to view this list is as a comparison list, but if you intend to mark down as you defeat the bosses, you can switch views into Table mode. The menu to change views is below this description (on desktop) or on the top right corner (on mobile).

We've compiled the information from all these different creators, who you should support:

Terraria Wiki





Scalelord Gaming

Udisen Games

Boss Fighter




Gaming Collective
Published 2 years ago
Zelda TOTK Clothing Upgrade Ingredients

Lists all the items needed to upgrade all clothing to max. For more in-depth details, check out the list on RankedBoost:

Lists all the items needed to upgrade all clothing to max. For more in-depth details, check out the list on RankedBoost:

Published 2 years ago
Ark: Survival Ascended: Full dino list for The Center

ust like other maps in Ark: Survival Ascended, The Center too has dinosaurs aplenty. Ranging from passive herbivores to aggressive carnivores and even some creatures with a bit more fantastical flare, you will encounter a lot of wildlife in your playthrough. The Center is a humongous map—almost twice the size of The Island. Its varied biome naturally lends itself to a diverse roster of dinos. Granted, you won’t encounter some of the exclusive dinos from The Island or Scorched Earth here (unless, of course, you transfer them yourself). But you won’t run out of options with The Center’s myriad faunae. You can see the full list of creatures you can encounter in The Center in Ark: Survival Ascended, including whether they can be tamed, ridden, and bred. The list doesn’t include Alpha creatures, bosses, or event-exclusive creatures.

ust like other maps in Ark: Survival Ascended, The Center too has dinosaurs aplenty. Ranging from passive herbivores to aggressive carnivores and even some creatures with a bit more fantastical flare, you will encounter a lot of wildlife in your playthrough. The Center is a humongous map—almost twice the size of The Island. Its varied biome naturally lends itself to a diverse roster of dinos. Granted, you won’t encounter some of the exclusive dinos from The Island or Scorched Earth here (unless, of course, you transfer them yourself). But you won’t run out of options with The Center’s myriad faunae. You can see the full list of creatures you can encounter in The Center in Ark: Survival Ascended, including whether they can be tamed, ridden, and bred. The list doesn’t include Alpha creatures, bosses, or event-exclusive creatures.

Published 4 months ago
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Meteor Herd Emerald Locations

Set sort to Default and Group to Set. Listium seems to preform some sort of culling when the list is too long, as sometimes I can't CTRL-F things I know I have.

This is a short list of locations for the emerald in Meteor Herd. Images are included on the first hint in each set. Happy hunting! For fun, use for predictions. You may distribute any part of whatever to where ever without permission. I'm just here to help people get those A ranks. I probably won't finish this list either.

Set sort to Default and Group to Set. Listium seems to preform some sort of culling when the list is too long, as sometimes I can't CTRL-F things I know I have.

This is a short list of locations for the emerald in Meteor Herd. Images are included on the first hint in each set. Happy hunting! For fun, use for predictions. You may distribute any part of whatever to where ever without permission. I'm just here to help people get those A ranks. I probably won't finish this list either.

Updated 2 months ago
Anime Defenders Tier List

In Anime Defenders there are now over 70 unique units with over 200 total variations when you include all of the Evolved and Shiny units. While each unit may have specific strengths on a specific map or against certain modifiers, this tier list is as a whole.

As such, units in our S Tier are the best and can handle most if not all types of content effectively. These are the units you want to strive for. Units in the A Tier are also strong options and will in most cases be able to successfully clear most content, they just aren’t as strong or versatile as those in S Tier. Units in the B Tier have specific situations in which they shine, but may not be as universally effective. Units in the C Tier have evolved or shiny variants that make them strong enough to consider, while those in the D Tier are solid if you have no better options, but should be replaced as soon as possible with higher tier units.

Any units not in this tier list are simply not strong enough at the moment to be considered for a permanent spot in your lineup. Here is our Anime Defenders Tier List for Update 5.5:

In Anime Defenders there are now over 70 unique units with over 200 total variations when you include all of the Evolved and Shiny units. While each unit may have specific strengths on a specific map or against certain modifiers, this tier list is as a whole.

As such, units in our S Tier are the best and can handle most if not all types of content effectively. These are the units you want to strive for. Units in the A Tier are also strong options and will in most cases be able to successfully clear most content, they just aren’t as strong or versatile as those in S Tier. Units in the B Tier have specific situations in which they shine, but may not be as universally effective. Units in the C Tier have evolved or shiny variants that make them strong enough to consider, while those in the D Tier are solid if you have no better options, but should be replaced as soon as possible with higher tier units.

Any units not in this tier list are simply not strong enough at the moment to be considered for a permanent spot in your lineup. Here is our Anime Defenders Tier List for Update 5.5:

Published 6 months ago
Randomly Generated Droids - Class Evaluation Criteria

Class evaluation through seven main factors - Effectiveness, Survivability, Ease to Use, Power Scaling, Price, Team Contribution and last but definitely not least; Fun Factor. All seven of these variables contribute to the ranking of the class.

(This is inspired by the game, Randomly Generated Droids, a rogue-like progression game.)

Class evaluation through seven main factors - Effectiveness, Survivability, Ease to Use, Power Scaling, Price, Team Contribution and last but definitely not least; Fun Factor. All seven of these variables contribute to the ranking of the class.

(This is inspired by the game, Randomly Generated Droids, a rogue-like progression game.)

Published 8 hours ago
Complete Red Dead Redemption 2 cheat codes list 2025

Check out these helpful cheat codes from the award-winning, iconic Red Dead Redemption 2.

Check out these helpful cheat codes from the award-winning, iconic Red Dead Redemption 2.

The Happy Gatherer
Updated 3 months ago
Genshin Impact Character Tier List

Genshin Impact has an ever-growing roster of characters, most of which are obtained through the gacha system. Primogems are at a premium though, and not all characters are created equal.

A big disclaimer before we jump into the tier list though: Genshin Impact tier lists suck. There’s no one universal way to assign value to characters in Genshin. The tiers below don’t necessarily correlate with power level; rather, I tried to sort characters by team flexibility, overall utility, and popularity in the meta.

Genshin Impact has an ever-growing roster of characters, most of which are obtained through the gacha system. Primogems are at a premium though, and not all characters are created equal.

A big disclaimer before we jump into the tier list though: Genshin Impact tier lists suck. There’s no one universal way to assign value to characters in Genshin. The tiers below don’t necessarily correlate with power level; rather, I tried to sort characters by team flexibility, overall utility, and popularity in the meta.

Published 6 months ago
hollowknight percent

all percentages in hollowknight

all percentages in hollowknight

Published 3 years ago
Luigi's Mansion Gamecube - Boo Chart

To keep track of all the Boos that you caught to get the "Gold Diamond". I missed one Boo and had no idea which room to find it, so I made a checklist with the essentials (the name, location, and area). Hopefully this will help you on your ghost catching quest.

Image used, Nintendo website:

To keep track of all the Boos that you caught to get the "Gold Diamond". I missed one Boo and had no idea which room to find it, so I made a checklist with the essentials (the name, location, and area). Hopefully this will help you on your ghost catching quest.

Image used, Nintendo website:

Keith Raccoon
Published 6 months ago
God of War Best Talismans (Free Checklist)

This checklist was created to help God of War fans locate the best talismans, as well as understand their effects and how to get each talisman. We've included categories and videos from different creators to help you succeed. Shout out to creators who make this list possible. Feel free to copy the list and use it as a checklist:

Shout out to:

TheGamer Game8 MURAD ZERO

This checklist was created to help God of War fans locate the best talismans, as well as understand their effects and how to get each talisman. We've included categories and videos from different creators to help you succeed. Shout out to creators who make this list possible. Feel free to copy the list and use it as a checklist:

Shout out to:

TheGamer Game8 MURAD ZERO

Gaming Collective
Updated 2 years ago
5 recent singleplayer games that'll leave you drooling for more!

There's nothing quite as enjoyable as delving into a game with a solid story that you can follow, with characters you genuinely care for. This list is dedicated to those types of games, specific to my tastes.

There's nothing quite as enjoyable as delving into a game with a solid story that you can follow, with characters you genuinely care for. This list is dedicated to those types of games, specific to my tastes.

Published 6 years ago