Cheat code
Cheat code
Greed is now a virtue
- Add $500
A simple life, a beautiful death
- Basic weapons
You want everyone to go away
- Clear all Bounties and Lockdown Areas
Keep your dreams light
- Create Buggy
Would you be happier as a clown?
- Create Circus Wagon
Run! Run! Run!
- Create race horse
You want something new
- Create Random Horse
The best of the old ways
- Create Stagecoach
You want more than you have
- Create Superior Horse
Keep your dreams simple
- Create Wagon
You are a beast built for war
- Create War Horse
You revel in your disgrace, I see
- Decrease Honor
You want freedom
- Decrease Wanted Level
A fool on command
- Forces you to become drunk
You seek more than the world offers
- Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye
History is written by Fools
- Gunslinger Weapons
Greed is American Virtue
- Heavy Ammo
Seek all the bounty of this place
- Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye levels
Virtue unearned is not virtue
- Increase Honor
My kingdom is a horse
- Increase Horse Bonding
You want punishment
- Increase Wanted Level
Better than my dog
- Increase Whistle Range for Horse
Abundance is the dullest desire
- Infinite Ammo
Be Greedy only for Foresight
- Infinite Dead Eye
The lucky be strong evermore
- Infinite Stamina
Eat of Knowledge
- Learn All Recipes
Vanity. All is vanity
- Own all Outfits
- Purchase all Camp upgrades
You long for sight and see nothing
- Remove Fog of War from map
Balance. All is balance
- Reset Honor
Guide me Better
- Set Dead Eye to level 1
Make me Better
- Set Dead Eye to level 2
I shall be better
- Set Dead Eye to level 3
Greed is now a virtue
A simple life, a beautiful death
You want everyone to go away
Keep your dreams light
Would you be happier as a clown?
Run! Run! Run!
You want something new
The best of the old ways
You want more than you have
Keep your dreams simple
You are a beast built for war
You revel in your disgrace, I see
You want freedom
A fool on command
You seek more than the world offers
History is written by Fools
Greed is American Virtue
Seek all the bounty of this place
Virtue unearned is not virtue
My kingdom is a horse
You want punishment
Better than my dog
Abundance is the dullest desire
Be Greedy only for Foresight
The lucky be strong evermore
Eat of Knowledge
Vanity. All is vanity
You long for sight and see nothing
Balance. All is balance
Guide me Better