Side Mission
Side Mission
Quest Giver
Recommended Level
MIssion Info
Optionale Ziele
Powerful Connections
PandoraThe DroughtsMarcus’ Vending Machine2Dump on Dumptruck
PandoraThe DroughtsEllie4Bad Reception
PandoraThe DroughtsClaptrap5Head Case
PandoraAscension BluffVaughn6Skag Dog Days
PandoraThe Droughts – HighwayChef Frank7Under Taker
PandoraThe DroughtsBounty board7Golden Calves
PandoraAscension BluffVaughn / COV Statue in Crimson Command8Healers and Dealers
PrometheaMeridian OutskirtsClaptrap via Bounty Board10Maliwannabees
PrometheaMeridian OutskirtsZiff10Just a Prick
SanctuaryThe InfirmaryTannis12Rise and Grind
PrometheaMeridian MetroplexLorelei12Dynasty Diner
PrometheaMeridian MetroplexLorelei12Kill Killavolt
SanctuarySanctuaryMoxxi in Sanctuary13Porta Prison
PrometheaLectra CityTrashmouth13Proof of Wife
PrometheaLectra CityBounty Board13Technical NOGout
PrometheaMeridian MetroplexQuest Board14Opposition Research
PrometheaSkywell-27Gonner15Holy Spirits
AthenasAthenasBrother Mendel15Invasion of Privacy
SanctuarySanctuaryAva17Ratch’d Up
PrometheaAtlas HQ (Rhys’ Office)Rhys19The Kevin Konundrum
SanctuarySanctuaryClaptrap24Don’t Truck with Eden-6
Eden-6Floodmoor BasinMiller24Get Quick, Slick
Eden-6Floodmoor BasinPrisa24Malevolent Practice
Eden-6Floodmoor BasinSir Hammerlock25On the Blood Path
Eden-6The AnvilRamsden25Rumble In The Jungle
Eden-6Voracious CanopyDead body on the path25Raiders of the Lost Rock
SanctuarySanctuaryClaptrap26The Homestead
PandoraThe SplinterlandsNotice Board26The Homestead (Part 2)
PandoraThe SpinterlandsMa Honewell26The Homestead (Part 3)
PandoraThe SplinterlandsPa Honeywell26Just Desserts
PandoraThe SplinterlandsBeatrice26Let’s Get It Vaughn
PandoraCarnivoraStrange Fanatic26Witch’s Brew
Eden-6Jakobs EstateMurl26
Powerful Connections
Dump on Dumptruck
Bad Reception
Head Case
Skag Dog Days
Under Taker
Golden Calves
Healers and Dealers
Just a Prick
Rise and Grind
Dynasty Diner
Kill Killavolt
Porta Prison
Proof of Wife
Technical NOGout
Opposition Research
Holy Spirits
Invasion of Privacy
Ratch’d Up
The Kevin Konundrum
Don’t Truck with Eden-6
Get Quick, Slick
Malevolent Practice
On the Blood Path
Rumble In The Jungle
Raiders of the Lost Rock
The Homestead
The Homestead (Part 2)
The Homestead (Part 3)
Just Desserts