What do you get when you combine intellect, abnormal strength, and incredible power? You get Bane, one of the most popular Batman villains of all time, first and foremost because of his reputation as the only villain to have “broken the bat” when he broke Batman’s back and even caused Bruce to almost give up on the Batman persona. Bane was the brainchild of writers Dough Moench and Chuck Dixon and artist Graham Nolan.
Undeniably one of the most memorable of all Batman’s villains, there’s a reason why even those who do not know much about Batman and his adventures still know a thing or two about The Joker. This crazy, manipulative, comical, and evil character is simply one that you’ll never forget. After all, he’s been around since Batman #1 in 1940 so that ought to tell you something about why he is Batman’s arch nemesis. There’s some pure evilness in The Joker and perhaps this is best exemplified when he killed the second Robin, Jason Todd. He was also the one behind why Commissioner Gordon’s daughter Barbara or, more popularly known as Batgirl, was crippled.
It’s always interesting to look at the backstory of villains and when it comes to that, not many stories are quite like the one about Harvey Dent’s life. He was a district attorney of Gotham City and just when everything in his life and career was doing well, the left side of his face was burned by acid during a court trial – an event that led to his drastic transformation.
Wearing his green costume covered with question marks and his purple mask, The Riddler challenges Batman in extraordinary ways. He might not stand out in terms of strength and other superpowers but he is definitely one of the most memorable villains for his unique way of getting Batman to think hard – through riddles and puzzles.
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