- Timeline3 Months Before Moving
Decide what to do with your current housing: rent out, sell, or terminate lease.
Look into storage costs for storing personal possessions in your home country rather than shipping them to the new destination.
Choose the moving company and set a date for the movers to pack your belongings.
Consider a small airfreight shipment of essential items that you would like to be there on your arrival.
Choose a relocation agent and inform them of your accommodation and schooling needs
Inform your children’s school that you will be moving abroad and ask for transfer certificates and any information which will be relevant when you move.
Book your air tickets and hotels if they are required.
Check quarantine requirements in your destination country and arrange pet relocation.
Create a folder with all hard copies and paperwork of the important documents and create a file on your computer for all of your saved files.
Obtain original copies of important documents like:
Driving license(s)
Birth certificate(s)
Wedding certificate(s)
School report(s)
Work references
Medical reports
Check the documentation requirements for the country you are moving to
Create a tax and finance folder with any information which can be claimed back on tax.
Make a checklist of all packing boxes and what will go in each one.
Print out change of address cards to hand to friends and family and let everyone important know about your departure and change of address.
If you are renting out your house and do not have any tenants yet, contact local rental agencies for their help.
Start packing items which you do not need in the next three months such as ornaments, books, photos, jewellery and out of season clothes
If you are selling your house, put it on the market.
If your national driving license needs renewing, do so before you leave.
- Timeline2 Months Before Moving
If you are selling anything such as a car or any household equipment, put everything on the market.
Check all insurance policies and organise your visas if you need to.
Organise leaving parties for yourself and your children.
Contact the post office to set up their mail re-routing service.
Prepare a power of attorney.
Make sure you have certified copies of all important documents ready to hand over to the person you will be leaving in charge of your affairs.
- Timeline3 Months Before Moving
Decide what to do with your current housing: rent out, sell, or terminate lease.
Look into storage costs for storing personal possessions in your home country rather than shipping them to the new destination.
Choose the moving company and set a date for the movers to pack your belongings.
Consider a small airfreight shipment of essential items that you would like to be there on your arrival.
Choose a relocation agent and inform them of your accommodation and schooling needs
Inform your children’s school that you will be moving abroad and ask for transfer certificates and any information which will be relevant when you move.
Book your air tickets and hotels if they are required.
Check quarantine requirements in your destination country and arrange pet relocation.
Create a folder with all hard copies and paperwork of the important documents and create a file on your computer for all of your saved files.
Obtain original copies of important documents like:
Driving license(s)
Birth certificate(s)
Wedding certificate(s)
School report(s)
Work references
Medical reports
Check the documentation requirements for the country you are moving to
Create a tax and finance folder with any information which can be claimed back on tax.
Make a checklist of all packing boxes and what will go in each one.
Print out change of address cards to hand to friends and family and let everyone important know about your departure and change of address.
If you are renting out your house and do not have any tenants yet, contact local rental agencies for their help.
Start packing items which you do not need in the next three months such as ornaments, books, photos, jewellery and out of season clothes
If you are selling your house, put it on the market.
If your national driving license needs renewing, do so before you leave.
- Timeline2 Months Before Moving
If you are selling anything such as a car or any household equipment, put everything on the market.
Check all insurance policies and organise your visas if you need to.
Organise leaving parties for yourself and your children.
Contact the post office to set up their mail re-routing service.