The first thing you need is proof of who you are. You will need to be able to show a lot of information about yourself. This should include things like your birth certificate, your legal and criminal records, your employment history, and various other information. This can vary from person to person, but you will need to show some essential documentation to prove you are who you say you are.

You will also need to have some form of supporting letter. This usually comes in the form of someone in the community supporting your immigration request. This could be an employer, an educational facility, or a family member. The person you need to support you changes depending on various factors, but you will certainly need someone to give you the support needed.

You will also need to go through an interview process that shows you can legitimately be in the United States. This will include giving your fingerprints to the system. These interviews will look in-depth at you and the information that you have given. If your interview corroborates what you have given above, it should be easier to get your immigration visa.
If you run into any problems during the consultation process, you should look to hire an immigration attorney like this. They can give you extra support in making sure you can work towards a positive resolution regarding your immigration status. The various challenges you will face along the way can seem quite daunting.
With the right legal support, immigration is possible.