Obviously, you need to eat enough food every day. However, the way in which you do so determines how much you spend. Do you tend to get food delivered or eat ready meals? Instead, buy raw ingredients and cook them yourself. It’s a bit more effort but significantly cheaper. Buy food like rice, lentils, and pasta in bulk. It’ll last for ages.

There are many ways to get around, whether you’re heading to a friend’s house or commuting to the office. How much do you spend on taxis and could you have taken a bus instead? You could even travel for free, simply by walking instead of driving or taking public transport. It might be slower, but it has other benefits in terms of improved fitness.

There might not be anything you spend more money on than housing. That means that this is a place where you might be able to save significant money. Regularly check the market and see whether there’s a cheaper option. You may need to downsize or relocate to a different area, but it will be worth it if it offers big savings.

Relationships are vital for your mental health, but social time needn’t be expensive. When you meet up with your close friends, what do you normally do? If it involves spending a lot of money, then think about making a change. Invite them to your home and have a quiet night in. You can still meet your social needs, but without breaking the bank.

Today, buying a new car in full is becoming rare. Many people choose to pay for their car monthly, allowing them to drive a nice car even if they can’t afford it all in one go. If this situation describes you, think about whether you can reduce your monthly car payments. One possible way to do this would be to see if you qualify to refinance your loan. You can learn more about loan refinance and other ways to lower your car payment with the following article: https://www.rategenius.com/how-to-lower-car-payment