Swimming pool cracks are a serious problem. They are usually caused by poor workmanship, faulty design, or soil erosion.
Cracks can appear on the deck or on the swimming pool’s walls, and there are typically two kinds — surface cracks or structural cracking. The latter are more serious, since they may be leaking. However, neither are to be ignored. They may start out small but can eventually compound the soil erosion or cause serious leaks.
If you spot cracks in your pool, it’s a good idea to call in the professionals to get a comprehensive diagnosis of the problem and then fix it.
Your swimming pool lights can malfunction due to a few different reasons, whether that’s a burnt-out bulb, a short circuit, or problems with the power supply. Quality pool lights can do a lot to lift the ambience of your pool area, especially if you use LED pool lights. You can switch up the light colors to mirror your mood or the occasion and even put on light shows at a pool party. Properly working pool lights also make night swims a safer and more enjoyable experience.
If they stop working, resist the temptation to investigate it yourself. Fixing pool lights isn’t the same as replacing a light bulb in your home. Typically, only trained professionals, such as Certified Pool Operators (CPOs) are allowed to work on them.
Reach out to a licensed pool lights company to fix your broken pool lights to ensure your safety and the aesthetics of your pool area.
If you’ve got your pool’s water balance right and the water is still dirty, it’s a surefire sign that you have some structural problems on hand. You might want to check for a blocked sand filter, a malfunctioning pump, or issues with your pipework.
Start by investigating the pool filter and ensuring it’s clean and drained. Turn it off, detach it from the system, and clean out any dirt. You should also take the time to regularly skim the water for any debris or rubbish that may pollute the water and the cleaning system over time. A swimming pool’s plumbing is as important as that of your kitchen or bathroom. Small problems can often snowball and cause persistent issues down the line.
Pool swims can be just as enjoyable in the colder months as in the warmer ones — provided you have a functioning heater. There’s nothing worse than stepping into the pool for your morning swim and encountering freezing cold water.
If your pool’s heater isn’t working, it’s likely down to reasons, such as damaged valves or filters, a faulty power source, or a broken pump. It’s clearly a sign that your pool needs maintenance by a professional pool service.
Over time, pool tiles can often chip, crack, or break altogether. While this can simply mean your pool’s aging or there is water damage, it might also indicate more structural problems.
The best way to resolve this is to re-tile your pool. In some cases, you might be able to tile directly over the old ones, but if your base tiles aren’t properly attached to the pool’s foundation, you will need to replace them completely.
You might also come across discolored grout between your tiles. This is possible to fix by yourself if you know what you’re doing. Sweep the grout with a standard broom to get rid of dirt and dust that’s lodged inside the grout. Then, visit your local pool store to find the correct re-grouting supplies to fix the discoloration.
Ideally, you should replace your sand filters every 3-5 years to ensure you don’t end up with a greasy or clogged-up filter. In theory, it’s possible to clean up the filter yourself, but it can be quite fiddly and a meticulous process. Outsourcing it might well save you a lot of time.
Blocked pipework, on the other hand, is something you don’t want to fix by yourself. It’s quite a common problem that can cause dirty water and interfere with other pool systems. Consider hiring an expert to take care of the problem for you.