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Amityville Movies in Order

Amityville is a series of horror films inspired by the Amityville murder story, a supposed haunting in the real Amityville house that was the setting for Jay Anson's 1977 book. Since 1979, over thirty feature films and shorts have been based on the alleged hauntings.

Here is the list of movies of the Amityville Horror franchise with all original movies in order of release, and the spinoffs as well. If you're looking for where to stream Amityville movies, we've included that here too, so if you're in the US, Canada or Australia, check out the columns to see which titles are available on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Foxtel, etc.

We have grouped this list based on whether or not the film is original. a remake or a spinoff. All the original films are ordered by release on the top of the list, and can be watched in that order. If you would like to see them in alphabetical order, simply disable the grouping and activate ascending sorting based on "title".

Entertainment Channel
Entertainment Channel
30th November 2022 in movies
Amityville Movies in Order
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Runtime (mins)
Year (Order of Release)
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Where To Watch in Australia
Where To Watch in Canada
  • Category

  • 1

    The Amityville Horror

  • 2

    Amityville II: The Possession

  • 3

    Amityville 3-D

  • 4

    Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes

  • 5

    The Amityville Curse

  • 6

    Amityville: It's About Time

  • 7

    Amityville: A New Generation

  • 8

    Amityville Dollhouse

  • 19

    Amityville: The Awakening

  • Category

  • 9

    The Amityville Horror (Remake)

  • Category
    Meta Movie

  • Category

  • 10

    The Amityville Haunting

  • 11

    My Amityville Horror

  • 12

    The Amityville Asylum

  • 13

    Amityville Playhouse

  • 14

    Amityville Death House

  • 15

    The Amityville Terror

  • 16

    The Amityville Legacy

  • 17

    Amityville: No Escape

  • 18

    Amityville: Vanishing Point

  • 20

    Amityville: Evil Never Dies

  • 21

    Amityville Exorcism

  • 22

    Amityville: Mt. Misery Rd.

  • 23

    The Amityville Murders

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Netflix - Top 200 Horrors

Sort and filter through the top rated Horror movies currently in the Netflix catalogue.

Sort and filter through the top rated Horror movies currently in the Netflix catalogue.

Thomas Davis
Published 9 years ago
The Complete List of Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies In Order (And where to watch them!)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise is a series of horror movies that center around a group of characters who are stalked and hunted by a deranged and sadistic family of cannibals in Texas. The films typically feature a lot of gore and violence, with the titular chainsaw being a prominent weapon used by the main antagonist, Leatherface.

The films in the franchise vary in terms of storyline and continuity, with some serving as direct sequels to the original 1974 film, while others are standalone entries or reboots. However, they all share the same basic premise of a group of unsuspecting victims falling prey to the murderous family.

Throughout the series, various filmmakers have put their own spin on the franchise, with some opting for a more straightforward horror approach, while others incorporate elements of black comedy or social commentary. Despite this, the films all aim to scare and shock audiences with their graphic depictions of violence and gore.

We have included all streaming services available for US, Australia and Canada. Enjoy!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise is a series of horror movies that center around a group of characters who are stalked and hunted by a deranged and sadistic family of cannibals in Texas. The films typically feature a lot of gore and violence, with the titular chainsaw being a prominent weapon used by the main antagonist, Leatherface.

The films in the franchise vary in terms of storyline and continuity, with some serving as direct sequels to the original 1974 film, while others are standalone entries or reboots. However, they all share the same basic premise of a group of unsuspecting victims falling prey to the murderous family.

Throughout the series, various filmmakers have put their own spin on the franchise, with some opting for a more straightforward horror approach, while others incorporate elements of black comedy or social commentary. Despite this, the films all aim to scare and shock audiences with their graphic depictions of violence and gore.

We have included all streaming services available for US, Australia and Canada. Enjoy!

Published 2 years ago