Faith needs constant revival through different means. One of the major ways to refresh your faith is by reading Islamic stories and taking lessons and perspectives. These perspectives change our ways of viewing this world and life situations. Let’s discuss each Islamic story in turn and the lessons they offer:
Prophet Adam A.S – Being Thankful to Allah
When Allah Almighty created the first human being named Adam AS, He cast His soul into him upon which He came to life. He woke up with a sneeze after which he said, ‘’Alhamdulillah’’ meaning ‘All praise belongs to Allah’. Allah replied with “Yarhamk-Allah” meaning ‘Allah bestows His mercy upon you’.
Lesson to Learn
This is one of the most interesting stories that tell us about the first words of the first human ever. Adam uttered those words to thank Allah Almighty. This story states the importance of praising Allah and gives a lesson to Muslims to be thankful to Him in all circumstances. In the time of trials and tribulations, we must exhibit patience and not forget the blessings of Allah.
Prophet Muhammad P.B.UH. – Show Mercy to People
One of the ladies of Quraish used to throw garbage outside the house and on the way of the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H., to give Him mental pain. Despite the frustration, the Prophet P.B.U.H. remained patient and didn’t abuse back or show hostility. One day when He went out, the lady didn’t come to throw garbage. The Prophet P.B.U.H. asked someone about her whereabouts and also learned about her sickness. He visited her and asked about her health. Observing the condition of her house, He offered His help in her housework until she got better. His behavior in return for her harsh actions shocked the lady and extremely humbled her. She embraced Islam being inspired by such kindness of the Prophet P.B.U.H.
Lessons to Learn
The first lesson this story conveys is the power of patience and kindness. The prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. remained patient with His enemy and showed kindness when she got sick. Today, people find it difficult to tolerate their own relatives, family members, and friends. The prophet P.B.U.H. tolerated such extreme behaviors from His enemies and still remained kind. Muslims must learn to tolerate and reply back with kindness otherwise, remaining quiet is better. The second lesson is the power of actions over speaking only. Conveying knowledge, good teachings and the message of Islam prove fruitful only when coupled with good actions as well. The prophet P.B.U.H. only displayed an act of kindness and that led a lady to embrace Islam.
Prophet Yunus AS – Accepting Mistakes & Asking for Allah's Mercy
Allah sent prophet Yunus AS to the people of a land called Ninevah who had turned to idol worshipping and other sins. The people of Ninevah rejected his message and he decided to get out of that land praying for the wrath of Allah on its people. However, after he left, some of the people started realizing his message and praying to Allah to not punish them.
Prophet Younus AS boarded a ship that got hit by a storm and started to sink. He had to leave the ship upon drawing lots three times. A great shark swallowed him upon the order of Allah. Younus AS asked for Allah’s mercy upon which the shark threw him on a shore. A tree grew near him which gave him shade. He returned to Nineva only to find out that its people had returned to Allah.
Lessons to Learn
The story of prophet Yunus AS conveys the message of being patient in times of darkness of despair. Prophet Yunus A.S. asked for Allah’s mercy to intervene in the depths of darkness of a shark’s stomach. Allah relieved him from that strange, dangerous, and seemingly impossible situation. Similarly, any Muslims facing trials and hardships of life must remember to call upon Allah for help. No matter how much the situation seems impossible, gloomy, and strange, Allah will make a way out for him. Secondly, we must accept our mistakes like prophet Yunus AS did, and then ask for Allah’s mercy. Indeed, Allah promises to save believers as he mentions in verse 88 of Surah al-Anbiya’.
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