Dwejra tops the list of 'must see' sights of Malta. It's situated in her sister island Gozo and consists of numerous breath taking sights. Used to be a place where Maltese pride, Azure Window, was situated for centuries. Unfortunately, after a strong storm in 2017. it collapsed into the sea.
Going from left to the right, first thing you're going to notice is 'Fungus Rock'. It's a massive part of the cliff that at some point in history broke from the rest of the chain and made a giant, island- like, rock for itself. If you are sunset enthusiast, cliffs across the rock are the place where you should enjoy the last minutes of daylight. If you are up for a long walk, you could follow the cliffs all the way to Xlendi. It might take you up to 4 hours, but it's much worthy.
Next up would be rock formation with a few salt pans dating from the ancient times. Quite enjoyable passage to 2 of the most interesting swimming spots in Gozo. Note: If you're Game of Thrones fan, this is the place where few of the scenes were shot. There is a few more spots on the islands where series were filmed, but I'll let it up to you to discover.
For the next one you have to focus not to miss! Road to it is very rocky and a bit inaccessible. From afar it might not look like an attractive place to go, mostly because you'll have to take of your shoes and get your feet wet. But just behind the corner hides Blue Hole. Just like it sounds, it's a big, deep hole in a place where id doesn't look like it should be. Here you can finally put on your swimming suit and enjoy the shade of the cave- like surroundings. And of course, see how far the Blue Hole goes!
For the end, there is Inland Sea, or as I like to call it 'Lake of Sea'. Joke aside, it's a wonderful miracle of the nature. Sea current has managed to make a small hole in the rock managing to break through and make a small.. should we call it lake?

The only place on this list that comes from the island of Comino. Not that there are not other beautiful places, just personally haven't discovered them yet.
Ranks among the most popular beaches in Malta and there is a big reason for it. It's beautiful white sand causes water to be crystal blue. During the summer season it's full of tourists and kiosks which are not really affordable.
The best thing is to avoid it in peak of the season as you would feel like a sardine in a can. But still, a must see if you're heading north.

"Place at the edge of the world." - the best way to describe Sannap Cliffs. Nothing between you and a very long way down to the sea. In the might of these cliffs, human being feels so very small. Usually place where strong wind blows.
They are located near village of Sannat, Gozo. Bus passes close by, so it's very easy to reach.
Limestone is very fragile so it is highly not recommended coming near the edge. Also, not recommended for those with fear of heights!

If you're fan of diving, this is the place to be!
Strange formation of cave with ceiling just around 7m above the water. It looks like a cut in the ground, or some kind of natural pool with 2 levels. Place where you'll get adrenaline pumping through your veins.
Might look dangerous and challenging at first, but the water under is pretty deep so you'll see a lot of people of all ages diving here.
It is kind of hard to reach it as the buses don't go near it and the road to it is so bad and narrow that it's adventure for itself driving to it. It would be best to park your car somewhere further and take a 20 minute hike to it.
It's popular tourist destination, so you'll find a lots of trucks with food and water and there is even one bar on top of it.

Blue Grotto is a massive rock formation that takes a look of an arch. Underneath it is a large cave system which can be explored by small boats that you can hire from locals.
During the sunny days, water surrounding it becomes turquoise. It's caused by the sun rays penetrating through the crystal blue water and being reflected by the white sand under it.
The best place to enjoy the sight is from the hill next to the it. Closer you get, the more restaurants and souvenir shops you're going to see.
If you look straight over the Grotto, you'll notice something like a small cruise ship that is not moving. It's actually the smallest island of the Maltese archipelago named Filfla. Visits of the island are forbidden and one must get the permission to do so. There are many legends about it, but I'll leave them to you to discover.

Located near the small fisherman village of Xlendi, on the island of Gozo, Xlendi bay enjoys clear and calm waters, cliff sights, small beach, restaurants and hotels.
It's very popular among the tourists with families. Even the locals have their holiday homes here. How wouldn't they? It's the most beautiful urban area in all of Malta.
Here, during the certain times of the year, you can enjoy the most spectacular sunsets. Those occur when Sun sets just in between the cliffs, where bay makes it's way to the open sea.

Golden looking sand is what makes this 2 beaches the most unique compared to the others. Golden Bay is probably the most popular beach in Malta. It's a bit wider then Riviera Beach, but it's far more occupied.
Riviera is located just over the hill, and if you want to enjoy same sand with a bit of less noise, then it's absolutely worth of visit.
They are surrounded by the hills from which you could glaze the crystal waters, far horizons and magical sunsets. This is the place where you want to go and continue your relaxing after a long day at the beach.
This is also the place where parts of the movie 'Troy' were filmed.

Dingli Cliffs are the highest point of Malta with 300m above sea level. It's a quiet place with not so many tourist louring around.
There is not really much to see here but the horizon of sea going as far as your sight. There's few benches, so you could sit and relax your eyes.
If you were ever to wonder how the end of the world looks like, this would be your closest guess.

The most popular and the only sandy beach in Gozo. If you take a look from the beach up to the hills, you'll notice strange arch, which is the entrance to the Calypso's Cave.
According to myth, this is the place from 'Homer's Odyssey' where nymph Calypso used to live.

In between the villages of Marsalforn and Zebbug, you'll find a real hidden gem! Small bay, so narrow that it looks like a river.
It's right between the cliffs, and at the end of it, there is a beach. Once you get into the water, you'll feel like out of this world. There's a lot of underwater caves and with high cliffs on both side you'll feel like in fairy tale.

This is the only place on the list that I've included that is not located near the sea. Once you reach the village of Xemxija, you follow the road uphill and you'll arrive upon a small forest.
Before the entrance, you'll notice a few old ruins that dates from Roman Empire. You'll see buildings where they used to keep beehives, cave- like rooms with small windows and all sorts of other buildings. This is also the place where you can see the oldest tree on the island, the Harruba Tree.
After you enter the forest and begin hiking, you'll stumble upon a lots of small buildings and old temple ruins, which some of them are very well preserved.
When you're craving for a hike, but the heat outside is unbearable, this is the safe getaway.

Long trail that might take up to 5 hours to complete. Moving on from Dingli Cliffs, you'll continue the walk across the cliffs. Pretty deserted place that one wishes to get lost in.
Here you won't find any restaurants, bars nor convenience shops so better stock your backpack with food and water. There is a small village close by, but it will set you off the road and prolong your journey.
Sights are jaw- dropping through all the times, and once again, place where you want to see the sunset.