Popular adult fantasy romance series starting with a Beauty and the Beast retelling, featuring a human girl, Feyre, in the fae world.
Set in a futuristic modern world, follows Bryce, a half-fea, half-human, teaming up with a fallen angel to investigate murders.
Follows Tasana, who escapes slavery and seeks to hone her magic to save others, with a slow-burn romance.
Vampire fantasy romance. The first book centers on Araya, a human raised by vampires, in a deadly tournament.
Arwen, a healer, is kidnapped by soldiers from the Onyx Kingdom and discovers hidden truths. Enemies-to-lovers theme.
Twins Darcy and Tori, heirs to a fae throne, navigate a magical school and contend with rival heirs in a bully romance setting.
A beautifully written retelling of Dracula's brides, focusing on a polyamorous relationship and exploring themes of abuse and love.
Cassia, a king's daughter, and Leo, a vampire-like Hesperian, form a bond in a politically charged environment with a sweet romance.
Violet Sorengale, forced to become a dragon rider, teams up with Zayden Ryerson in a college for Aurora. Features telepathic dragons.