- Quest GiverLindsay
Avenge the death of my husband!
Kill: Morte x5Ring x3Avenge the death of Rosaly!
Kill: Dullahammer x3Uni Rice Bowl x3Avenge the death of Annette!
Kill: Gieremund x4Hemp x5Avenge the death of Lisa!
Kill: Sabnock x2BrigandineAvenge the death of Simon!
Kill: Barbatos x4Obsidian x5Avenge the death of Porter!
Kill: Demon x4Steel x5Avenge the death of Dan!
Kill: Wolfman x3Hair Apparent IIIAvenge the death of Edward!
Kill: Shield Outsider x5Silver x3Avenge the death of Shawn!
Kill: Assassin x4Cutpurse's RingAvenge the death of Dario!
Kill: Ocypete x6Heavy Cream x5Avenge the death of Trevor!
Kill: Axe Outsider x5Damascus x3Avenge the death of Mathius!
Kill: Archdemon x6Platinum x2Avenge the death of Martha!
Kill: Deeseama x8Speed BeltAvenge the death of Soleiyu!
Kill: Living Fossil x4Crystal x2Avenge the death of Carl!
Kill: Lamashtu x6DiamondAvenge the death of Mitta!
Kill: Gusion x13CrimsoniteAvenge the death of Sypha!
Kill: Demon LordBixbiteAvenge the death of Juste!
Kill: Millionaire's BaneGold Power RingAvenge the death of Richter!
Kill: RevenantBandit BladeAvenge the death of Julius!
Kill: IGASword Whip- Quest GiverAbigail
In Memory of Catherine
Item Nedeed: TunicRice x5In Memory of Caleb
Item Nedeed: RingSafe RingIn Memory of Noel
Item Nedeed: BrigandinePizza x3In Memory of Morris
Item Nedeed: Bat WingsChocolate Cake x3In Memory of Talia
Item Nedeed: Rhava BúralToy ShoesIn Memory of Norah
Item Nedeed: Flame RingEye of HorusIn Memory of Edith
Item Nedeed: Tea DressHair Apparent IXIn Memory of Alba
Item Nedeed: Hound VestCowboy HatIn Memory of Dennis
Item Nedeed: Flame CircletWarlock's NecklaceIn Memory of Lily
Item Nedeed: Silver TiaraChicken Casserole x3In Memory of Wanda
Item Nedeed: Silk DressMaid's Hairband
- Quest GiverLindsay
Avenge the death of my husband!
Avenge the death of Rosaly!
Avenge the death of Annette!
Avenge the death of Lisa!
Avenge the death of Simon!
Avenge the death of Porter!
Avenge the death of Dan!
Avenge the death of Edward!
Avenge the death of Shawn!
Avenge the death of Dario!
Avenge the death of Trevor!
Avenge the death of Mathius!
Avenge the death of Martha!
Avenge the death of Soleiyu!
Avenge the death of Carl!
Avenge the death of Mitta!
Avenge the death of Sypha!
Avenge the death of Juste!
Avenge the death of Richter!
Avenge the death of Julius!
- Quest GiverAbigail
In Memory of Catherine
In Memory of Caleb
In Memory of Noel
In Memory of Morris
In Memory of Talia
In Memory of Norah
In Memory of Edith
In Memory of Alba
In Memory of Dennis