Obtained From
Adamantine Scale
A Rare drop from slaying any Rockfall Skarn. Used to craft Skarn gear.Rockfall SkarnRareAether Thorn
A Common drop from slaying any Koshai. Used to craft Koshai gear.KoshaiCommonAetheric Claw
A rare drop from the limbs of an Aether Charged Behemoth (Threat Level 8+).Aether Charged BehemothsRareAetheric Crownplate
A rare drop from the head of an Aether Charged Behemoth (Threat Level 8+).Aether Charged BehemothsRareAetheric Tail
A rare drop from the tail of an Aether Charged Behemoth (Threat Level 8+).Aether Charged BehemothsRareApex Riftfang
A Common drop from the Head of any Riftstalker. Used to craft Riftstalker gear.RiftstalkerCommonApocalypse Horn
A Common drop from the Horns of any Valomyr. Used to craft Valomyr gear.ValomyrCommonAssassin Soul Shard
An Epic drop from slaying any Razorwing Kharabak. Used to craft Kharabak gear.Razorwing KharabakEpicBloodsoul Shard
An Epic drop from slaying any Bloodfire Embermane. Used to craft Embermane gear.Bloodfire EmbermaneEpicBoreus Hide
A Common drop from slaying any Boreus. Used to craft Boreus gear.BoreusCommonBramblespur
A Common drop from the Limbs of any Koshai. Used to craft Koshai gear.KoshaiCommonBrowscale
A Common drop from the Head of any Skarn. Used to craft Skarn gear.SkarnCommonBurned Gillhide
A Common drop from the Firesacs of any Charrogg. Used to craft Charrogg gear.CharroggCommonBurned Hindscale
A Common drop from the Leg of any Hellion. Used to craft Hellion gear.HellionCommonBurning Tailspike
A Common drop from the Tail of any Embermane. Used to craft Embermane gear.EmbermaneCommonCapacitail
A Common drop from the Tail of any Stormclaw. Used to craft Stormclaw gear.StormclawCommonCataclysm Shard
An Epic drop from slaying a Rezakiri. Used to craft Rezakiri gear.RezakiriEpicCaudal Thorn
A Common drop from the Tail of any Koshai. Used to craft Koshai gear.KoshaiCommonCharred Browplate
A Common drop from the Head of any Hellion. Used to craft Hellion gear.HellionCommonCharred Tailplate
A Common drop from the Tail of any Hellion. Used to craft Hellion gear.HellionCommonCharrogg Scale
A Common drop from slaying any Charrogg. Used to craft Charrogg gear.CharroggCommonChillclaw
A Common drop from the Leg of any Skraev. Used to craft Skraev gear.SkraevCommonClaw Shell Fragment
A Common drop from the Limbs of any Kharabak. Used to craft Kharabak gear.KharabakCommonConductive Antler
A Common drop from the Antlers of any Stormclaw. Used to craft Stormclaw gear.StormclawCommonConductive Shockspine
A Rare drop from slaying any Shockjaw Nayzaga. Used to craft Nayzaga gear.Shockjaw NayzagaRareCorrupted Voidfeather
A Rare drop from slaying a Shrowd. Used to craft Shrowd gear.ShrowdRareCracked Biocrystal
A Common drop from the Head of a Rezakiri. Used to craft Rezakiri gear.RezakiriCommonCracked Knuckle-Scale
A Common drop from the Gauntlets of a Torgadoro. Used to craft Torgadoro gear.TorgadoroCommonDark Bladefeather
A Common drop from the Wing of a Shrowd. Used to craft Shrowd gear.ShrowdCommonDark Tailfeather
A Common drop from the Tail of a Shrowd. Used to craft Shrowd gear.ShrowdCommonDarkbeak Fragment
A Common drop from the Head of a Shrowd. Used to craft Shrowd gear.ShrowdCommonDeadeye Spinehide
A Rare drop from slaying any Deadeye Quillshot. Used to craft Quillshot gear.Deadeye QuillshotRareDeadly Incisor
A Common drop from the Head of any Kharabak. Used to craft Kharabak gear.KharabakCommon
Adamantine Scale
Aether Thorn
Aetheric Claw
Aetheric Crownplate
Aetheric Tail
Apex Riftfang
Apocalypse Horn
Assassin Soul Shard
Bloodsoul Shard
Boreus Hide
Burned Gillhide
Burned Hindscale
Burning Tailspike
Cataclysm Shard
Caudal Thorn
Charred Browplate
Charred Tailplate
Charrogg Scale
Claw Shell Fragment
Conductive Antler
Conductive Shockspine
Corrupted Voidfeather
Cracked Biocrystal
Cracked Knuckle-Scale
Dark Bladefeather
Dark Tailfeather
Darkbeak Fragment