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The Western Canon - The Democratic Age

Part two of Harold Bloom's Western Canon

Thomas Davis
Thomas Davis
27th September 2016 in books & literature
The Western Canon - The Democratic Age
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  • Author
    Adalbert Stifter

  • 232

    Indian Summer

    Adalbert Stifter
    The Democratic Age
  • 233


    Adalbert Stifter
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Aleksandr Blok

  • 280

    The Twelve and Other Poems.

    Aleksandr Blok
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Aleksandr Herzen

  • 256

    My Past and Thoughts

    Aleksandr Herzen
    The Democratic Age
  • 257

    From the Other Shore.

    Aleksandr Herzen
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Aleksandr Ostrovsky

  • 278

    The Storm.

    Aleksandr Ostrovsky
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Aleksandr Pushkin

  • 245

    Complete Prose Tales

    Aleksandr Pushkin
    The Democratic Age
  • 246

    Complete Poetry

    Aleksandr Pushkin
    The Democratic Age
  • 247

    Eugene Onegin

    Aleksandr Pushkin
    The Democratic Age
  • 248

    Narrative Poems

    Aleksandr Pushkin
    The Democratic Age
  • 249

    Boris Godunov.

    Aleksandr Pushkin
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Alessandro Manzoni

  • 4

    The Betrothed

    Alessandro Manzoni
    The Democratic Age
  • 5

    On the Historical Novel.

    Alessandro Manzoni
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Alfred de Musset

  • 36


    Alfred de Musset
    The Democratic Age
  • 37


    Alfred de Musset
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Alfred de Vigny

  • 27


    Alfred de Vigny
    The Democratic Age
  • 28


    Alfred de Vigny
    The Democratic Age
  • Author
    Alfred Tennyson

  • 139


    Alfred Tennyson
    The Democratic Age
    Great Britain
  • Author
    Alphonse de Lamartine

  • Author
    Adalbert Stifter

  • 232

    Indian Summer

  • 233


  • Author
    Aleksandr Blok

  • 280

    The Twelve and Other Poems.

  • Author
    Aleksandr Herzen

  • 256

    My Past and Thoughts

  • 257

    From the Other Shore.

  • Author
    Aleksandr Ostrovsky

  • 278

    The Storm.

  • Author
    Aleksandr Pushkin

  • 245

    Complete Prose Tales

  • 246

    Complete Poetry

  • 247

    Eugene Onegin

  • 248

    Narrative Poems

  • 249

    Boris Godunov.

  • Author
    Alessandro Manzoni

  • 4

    The Betrothed

  • 5

    On the Historical Novel.

  • Author
    Alfred de Musset

  • 36


  • 37


  • Author
    Alfred de Vigny

  • 27


  • 28


  • Author
    Alfred Tennyson

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Part three of Harold Bloom's Western Canon

Part three of Harold Bloom's Western Canon

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Updated 6 years ago
Marc's Book Club - The Big List

Since 2008 I have run a small book club for a group of friends. We meet every second month over dinner and a glass of wine. It's a great way to stimulate an interesting conversation with a group of friends, and also some discipline to keep us reading regularly. I often say to people that for the price of a few books and a few hours reading time, we've learned so much it almost feels like cheating! For anyone interested in doing more reading and wanting to know where to start, I have marked the books that I recommend that everyone read..

Since 2008 I have run a small book club for a group of friends. We meet every second month over dinner and a glass of wine. It's a great way to stimulate an interesting conversation with a group of friends, and also some discipline to keep us reading regularly. I often say to people that for the price of a few books and a few hours reading time, we've learned so much it almost feels like cheating! For anyone interested in doing more reading and wanting to know where to start, I have marked the books that I recommend that everyone read..

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200+ Insightful General Questions For Book Club - Printable PDF!

Welcome to this list of 200+ General Questions For Book Club! Reading a book is always an enriching experience, but discussing it with others can further enhance our understanding and appreciation of the story, characters, and themes. Whether you are a long-time book club member or starting a new group, this list is designed to help you engage in meaningful conversations and spark thoughtful discussions.

The questions included in this list cover a wide range of topics, from the characters and their motivations to the writing style and the author's background. Some of the questions are straightforward, while others are more open-ended, allowing for a deeper exploration of the book's themes and meanings. The goal is to provide a variety of options for book club discussions, so you can choose the ones that best suit your group's interests and preferences.

If you want to use this list on your phone, you can create a copy. If you want the PDF version, simply clone the list into your account, click the navigation menu and "Export", then save it as a PDF.

Welcome to this list of 200+ General Questions For Book Club! Reading a book is always an enriching experience, but discussing it with others can further enhance our understanding and appreciation of the story, characters, and themes. Whether you are a long-time book club member or starting a new group, this list is designed to help you engage in meaningful conversations and spark thoughtful discussions.

The questions included in this list cover a wide range of topics, from the characters and their motivations to the writing style and the author's background. Some of the questions are straightforward, while others are more open-ended, allowing for a deeper exploration of the book's themes and meanings. The goal is to provide a variety of options for book club discussions, so you can choose the ones that best suit your group's interests and preferences.

If you want to use this list on your phone, you can create a copy. If you want the PDF version, simply clone the list into your account, click the navigation menu and "Export", then save it as a PDF.

Published 2 years ago
My Top 50 Recommended Thriller Books - by Caroline Johnson

Hey there everyone! I'm thrilled to share my list of must-read thrillers with you. To make it even easier for you to find your next great read, I've divided the list into seven sections. In "Hyped Author Faves," I'll be discussing some of the most popular thriller authors and my personal favorite book from each of them. For the "Underrated Faves" section, I've handpicked some hidden gems that have received less than 20,000 ratings on Goodreads. Plus, I've got plenty of recommendations for "Fast Paced Thrillers," "Slow Burns," "Psychological Thrillers," "Mystery Thrillers," and "Just Really Good" books that I couldn't fit into the other categories.

I hope you enjoy this list as much as I enjoyed putting it together!

For more book recommendations, let's connect:

Youtube | Goodreads | Instagram

Hey there everyone! I'm thrilled to share my list of must-read thrillers with you. To make it even easier for you to find your next great read, I've divided the list into seven sections. In "Hyped Author Faves," I'll be discussing some of the most popular thriller authors and my personal favorite book from each of them. For the "Underrated Faves" section, I've handpicked some hidden gems that have received less than 20,000 ratings on Goodreads. Plus, I've got plenty of recommendations for "Fast Paced Thrillers," "Slow Burns," "Psychological Thrillers," "Mystery Thrillers," and "Just Really Good" books that I couldn't fit into the other categories.

I hope you enjoy this list as much as I enjoyed putting it together!

For more book recommendations, let's connect:

Youtube | Goodreads | Instagram

Caroline Johnson
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The Complete List of Stuart Woods Books in Order

Oh my gosh, have you heard of Stuart Woods? This mastermind of the mystery and crime fiction genre has truly left an indelible mark on the literary world with tales that have a spellbinding hold over the imaginations of readers globally.

It's simply remarkable how this renowned author, with his exceptional storytelling abilities, has crafted intricate plot structures and a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique twists and turns. And just wait until you hear about the array of characters Woods writes about! Ranging from detectives to lawyers and agents, Woods takes readers on a wild ride through a captivating world of suspense and thrills. It's no wonder why readers can't get enough of his work!

For those seeking the ultimate immersive experience, Woods' books, arranged in chronological order, offer an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the intricate and unpredictable world of mystery and crime fiction. Trust me, you won't be able to put them down!

Oh my gosh, have you heard of Stuart Woods? This mastermind of the mystery and crime fiction genre has truly left an indelible mark on the literary world with tales that have a spellbinding hold over the imaginations of readers globally.

It's simply remarkable how this renowned author, with his exceptional storytelling abilities, has crafted intricate plot structures and a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique twists and turns. And just wait until you hear about the array of characters Woods writes about! Ranging from detectives to lawyers and agents, Woods takes readers on a wild ride through a captivating world of suspense and thrills. It's no wonder why readers can't get enough of his work!

For those seeking the ultimate immersive experience, Woods' books, arranged in chronological order, offer an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the intricate and unpredictable world of mystery and crime fiction. Trust me, you won't be able to put them down!

Updated 2 years ago
+50 Space-Related Books For Enthusiasts of The Universe!

Space is the final frontier, the vast and infinite expanse that has captivated our imagination and inspired countless works of science fiction. From the early days of space exploration to the far-flung future of interstellar travel, there is no shortage of stories to be told about the mysteries of the universe. In this list, we've compiled over 50 space-related books that explore the wonders and dangers of the cosmos, featuring classics of the genre, contemporary bestsellers, and everything in between. Whether you're a fan of hard science fiction or thrilling space operas, there's something here for every reader who has ever looked up at the stars and wondered what lies beyond. So, sit back, buckle up, and get ready to blast off on an epic journey through the vastness of space.

Space is the final frontier, the vast and infinite expanse that has captivated our imagination and inspired countless works of science fiction. From the early days of space exploration to the far-flung future of interstellar travel, there is no shortage of stories to be told about the mysteries of the universe. In this list, we've compiled over 50 space-related books that explore the wonders and dangers of the cosmos, featuring classics of the genre, contemporary bestsellers, and everything in between. Whether you're a fan of hard science fiction or thrilling space operas, there's something here for every reader who has ever looked up at the stars and wondered what lies beyond. So, sit back, buckle up, and get ready to blast off on an epic journey through the vastness of space.

Updated 2 years ago
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