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A Bird in the Hand
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19862243.40Come Death and High Water
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19882083.79Murder In Paradise
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19881883.79A Prey to Murder
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19891843.76A Lesson In Dying
Inspector Ramsay Books19901763.53Murder in My Backyard
Inspector Ramsay Books19912563.85Another Man's Poison
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19924003.88A Day in the Death of Dorothea Cassidy
Inspector Ramsay Books19922743.91Sea Fever
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19931883.86Killjoy
Inspector Ramsay Books19932163.98The Mill on the Shore
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19942483.84The Sleeping and the Dead
Standalone19944003.97The Healers
Inspector Ramsay Books19952083.95High Island Blues
George & Molly Palmer-Jones Books19962493.86The Baby-Snatcher
Inspector Ramsay Books19972484.05The Crow Trap
Vera Stanhope Books19995443.86Telling Tales
Vera Stanhope Books20044164.09Burial Of Ghosts
Standalone20033523.73Raven Black
Shetland Island Books20063843.95Hidden Depths
Vera Stanhope Books20073844.08White Nights
Shetland Island Books20084004.02Red Bones
Shetland Island Books20094004.02Silent Voices
Vera Stanhope Books20103524.11Blue Lightning
Shetland Island Books20103684.11The Glass Room
Vera Stanhope Books20123844.03Dead Water
Shetland Island Books20134164.13Harbour Street
Vera Stanhope Books20143824.15Thin Air
Shetland Island Books20144004.08Offshore
Shetland Island Books2014723.95The Moth Catcher
Vera Stanhope Books20152244.18Shetland
Non fiction20154004.11Too Good To Be True
Shetland Island Books20161123.84Cold Earth
Shetland Island Books20164004.14
A Bird in the Hand
Come Death and High Water
Murder In Paradise
A Prey to Murder
A Lesson In Dying
Murder in My Backyard
Another Man's Poison
A Day in the Death of Dorothea Cassidy
Sea Fever
The Mill on the Shore
The Sleeping and the Dead
The Healers
High Island Blues
The Baby-Snatcher
The Crow Trap
Telling Tales
Burial Of Ghosts
Raven Black
Hidden Depths
White Nights
Red Bones
Silent Voices
Blue Lightning
The Glass Room
Dead Water
Harbour Street
Thin Air
The Moth Catcher