Mask Shard
Find Sly in Forgotten Crossroads - Buy for 150 GeoDirtmouthSly's ShopMask Shard
Buy for 500 GeoDirtmouthSly's ShopMask Shard
Buy for 800 Geo - Must first acquire the Shopkeeper's Key in the Crystal PeakDirtmouthSly's ShopMask Shard
Buy for 1,500 GeoDirtmouthSly's ShopMask Shard
Defeat Brooding MawlekForgotten CrossroadsFar West sideMask Shard
Rescue 5 GrubsForgotten CrossroadsGrub FatherMask Shard
Mantis Claw recommended but not required.Forgotten CrossroadsSouth of the False Knight where the Goams are.Mask Shard
Requires Mantis ClawQueen's StationNear the East side behind a locked gate.Mask Shard
Requires Mantis Claw, Requires rescuing Bretta from Fungal Wastes after getting Mantis Claw.DirtmouthFound in Bretta's HouseMask Shard
Lumafly Lantern recommended but not required.GreenpathStone SanctuaryMask Shard
Simple Key to unlock entrance in City of Tears - Swim left under main path.Royal WaterwaysNorthwest Section of Map.Mask Shard
Requires Monarch WingsDeepnestGo through Fungal Core past Mantis Lords.Mask Shard
Requires Monarch WingsCrystal PeakReward from Enraged Guardian - 2nd Battle.Mask Shard
Requires baiting a Hive Guardian into breaking a wall.The HiveFound behind a damaged wall, get hive guardian to ram it.Mask Shard
Requires collecting 1,500 EssenceResting GroundsTalk to the SeerMask Shard
Take flower from Grey Mourner in Resting Grounds to Traitor Child grave in Queen's Garden.Resting GroundsQueen's GardenVessel Fragment
Buy for 550 GeoDirtmouthSly's ShopVessel Fragment
Buy for 900 Geo - Requires Shopkeeper's KeyDirtmouthSly's ShopVessel Fragment
N/AGreenpathNear Queen Station entrance at the top of the path.Vessel Fragment
Simple KeyForgotten CrossroadsUnlock lift in the City of TearsVessel Fragment
N/AKing's StationFound above the station, near a lift.Vessel Fragment
N/ADeepnestFound above the working tram.Vessel Fragment
Open all Stag Stations.Stag NestFound within the Stag Nest.Vessel Fragment
Collect 700 Essence.Resting GroundsGiven by the SeerVessel Fragment
Requires 3,000 Geo.Ancient BasinDrop into the fountain near the top by Cornifer.Pale Ore
Defeat two lesser mawleks.Ancient BasinFound to the left of the tram station.Pale Ore
Requires 300 essence.Resting GroundsGiven by the Seer.Pale Ore
Requires Mantis Claw, Monarch Wings are recommended but not required.Crystal PeakFound at Hallownest Crown at top of Crystal PeakPale Ore
Requires Defeating Nosk.DeepnestBreak a wall in middle left of the room next to the Hot Spring.Pale Ore
Rescue 31 Grubs.Forgotten CrossroadsGrub FatherPale Ore
Complete 2nd phase in Trial of the ConquerorKingdom's EdgeColosseum of Fools.Vengeful Spirit
N/AForgotten CrossroadsGiven by Snail Shaman in Ancestral Mound.Shade Soul
Requires Vengeful Spirit Spell, Elegant Key, and Defeating Soul Warrior.City of TearsSoul Sanctum
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Mask Shard
Vessel Fragment
Vessel Fragment
Vessel Fragment
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Vessel Fragment
Pale Ore
Pale Ore
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Pale Ore