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Countries that Start With L

The list contains all the countries that start with L, including flag, capital cities, calling code, and more. This is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn about the countries of the world. The list is grouped by continent, and it is displayed as a kanban board, although you can change that if you prefer, by simply clicking on the view buttons below.

Learning about the world, regardless of the reason why, can help expand our horizons and make us into more well-rounded people. That is why we love trivia so much: because it challenges our brains, it is a social activity and it can help us become better at life in general. 

We create lists to help people who love trivia study and prepare for a trivia night, but also anyone who is looking to learn more about geography and general knowledge. Too often, we see these lists being incomplete or outdated, and we thought we'd put in the time and research to serve our audience with the best quality lists we could come up with. 

Should we do a Capitals list next?

Countries that Start With L
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The 10 Original Care Bears (names and pictures)

The original Care Bears were a group of characters created by the American Greetings card company in 1982. They were designed as cute, colorful bears that each had a different symbol on their tummy, called a "tummy symbol", that represented their personality or power. The Care Bears were featured on a wide range of merchandise, including stuffed animals, clothing, and a television series. They became popular in the 1980s and have remained a beloved children's brand to this day.

Here's the ten original Care Bears and their descriptions.

The original Care Bears were a group of characters created by the American Greetings card company in 1982. They were designed as cute, colorful bears that each had a different symbol on their tummy, called a "tummy symbol", that represented their personality or power. The Care Bears were featured on a wide range of merchandise, including stuffed animals, clothing, and a television series. They became popular in the 1980s and have remained a beloved children's brand to this day.

Here's the ten original Care Bears and their descriptions.

Trivia Kings
Published a year ago