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Australia's Most Popular Pink Lakes

In Australia's breathtaking landscapes, a unique phenomenon manifests itself in the form of vibrant pink lakes - a result of the proliferation of a microorganism known as Dunaliella salina.

Resilient to the inhospitable conditions of saline environments like salt pans and lagoons, this organism produces a red pigment called beta-carotene to defend itself from the intense sun rays. When present in sufficient amounts, this algae gives the water a distinctive, rosy tint.

Moreover, the salt crust that forms on the lake's surface, a mixture of salt and the algae's pigment, also contributes to the lake's color. Typically, these lakes that exhibit a striking shade of pink are shallow and abundant in salt, providing an ideal habitat for the algae to flourish.

As the intense sunlight beats down, the algae release more beta-carotene, intensifying the lake's hue. It's worth noting that the color of the lake can fluctuate depending on various factors such as the time of day, weather conditions, and the density of the algae population.

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9th February 2023 in travel
Australia's Most Popular Pink Lakes
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