In the role of the Cat in the Hat, Mike Myers portrays a humanoid and anthropomorphic cat standing at a height of 6 feet. This character is known for his witty remarks and dons an extra-large red bow-tie along with a red-and-white striped top-hat which is equipped with numerous comical devices.

Fish is a talking, anthropomorphic orange fish who serves as the voice of reason and morality in contrast to the mischievous Cat. The Fish is portrayed as overly cautious and fearful, often warning Conrad and Sally about the dangers of the Cat's antics. The character is voiced by actor Sean Hayes in the film.

In the movie, he is is portrayed as the Waldens' neighbor, who is both pompous and indolent. He remains jobless and suffers from a cat allergy. Despite stealing food from the Waldens' house, he harbors a desire to marry Joan to gain access to her wealth. Additionally, he wants to send Conrad away to military school to remove him from the picture.

He is Joan's boss and depicted as a germaphobe who appears friendly at first glance but is extremely intolerant when it comes to enforcing workplace rules. He has a zero-tolerance policy and can fire employees for even minor violations. For instance, he detests handshakes due to his fear of germs and will not hesitate to shout at the employees while dismissing them from their job.