The New Dragon
Il nuovo dragoObtained all trophies.For the Family
Tutto per la famigliaCompleted Chapter 1.Rock Bottom
Toccare il fondoCompleted Chapter 2.Heroes and Villains
Eroi e cattiviCompleted Chapter 3.Soap on a Rope
Corda e saponeCompleted Chapter 4.Smoked
Puzza di bruciatoCompleted Chapter 5.Ignition
L'innescoCompleted Chapter 6.Three Spiders
I tre ragniCompleted Chapter 7.The Statesman
Lo statistaCompleted Chapter 8.Time to Talk
Ora si parlaCompleted Chapter 9.Illuminations
IlluminazioniCompleted Chapter 10.The Dragon Stirs
Il risveglio del dragoCompleted Chapter 11.End of an Era
Fine di un'eraCompleted Chapter 12.Fate of Our Fathers
La sorte dei nostri padriCompleted Chapter 13.The Torch is Passed
Passaggio di testimoneCompleted Chapter 14.Thank You
GrazieCompleted the final chapter.Stories to Tell
Storie da raccontareCompleted 10 substories.Stories to Live
Storie da vivereCompleted 20 substories.Stories of the Streets
Storie di stradaCompleted 40 substories.Friends in Low Places
Amici nei bassifondiMaxed Nanba’s Bond Level.Friends on the Force
Amici nella poliziaMaxed Adachi’s Bond Level.Friends Like Sisters
Come una sorellaMaxed Saeko’s Bond Level.Friends With Familiar Faces
Amici dai volti familiariMaxed Joon-gi Han’s Bond Level.Friends in the Gang
Amici nella bandaMaxed Zhao’s Bond Level.Friends From Work
Amici di lavoroMaxed Eri’s Bond Level.Food for Thought
Chiacchiere a tavolaViewed more than 20 Table Talk scenes.A New Legend
Una nuova leggendaRaised Part-time Hero Member Rank to Senior Hero.A New Hero
Un nuovo eroeRaised Part-time Hero Member Rank to Executive Hero.Awakening Dragon
Drago destatoReached level 10 with Kasuga.Rising Dragon
Drago nascenteReached level 30 with Kasuga.Like a Dragon
Like a DragonReached level 50 with Kasuga.Ryu Ga Gotoku
Ryu Ga GotokuReached level 70 with Kasuga.Sound Character
Un carattere forteRaised one of Kasuga’s personality stats to max.
The New Dragon
For the Family
Rock Bottom
Heroes and Villains
Soap on a Rope
Three Spiders
The Statesman
Time to Talk
The Dragon Stirs
End of an Era
Fate of Our Fathers
The Torch is Passed
Thank You
Stories to Tell
Stories to Live
Stories of the Streets
Friends in Low Places
Friends on the Force
Friends Like Sisters
Friends With Familiar Faces
Friends in the Gang
Friends From Work
Food for Thought
A New Legend
A New Hero
Awakening Dragon
Rising Dragon
Like a Dragon