X Marks the Spot
1266Treasure HuntQuestion MarkSkelligeKaer MuireWild Hunt Main (/DLC)From a land far, far away
1367Side QuestLootSkelligeKaer TroldeWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know
1872Treasure HuntLootSkelligeUndvikWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Hard Times
2175Side QuestLootSkelligeKaer TroldeWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Berengar's blade
2781Side QuestLootKaer MorhenKaer MorhenWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Hidden in the Depths
3185Treasure HuntQuestion MarkSkelligeFaroe IsleWild Hunt Main (/DLC)The Black Widow
3791Treasure HuntLootToussaintToussaint EastBlood and WineApplied Escapology
4094Treasure HuntLootToussaintToussaint SouthBlood and WineVitner's Contract: Dun Tynne Hillside
4094Side QuestNPCToussaintToussaint EastBlood and WineWine Wars: The Dues in the Machina
4296Side QuestNotes during quest Wine Wars: Vermentino and Wine Wars: CoronataToussaintToussaint SouthBlood and WineBut Other Than That, How Did You Enjoy the Play?
4397Treasure HuntLootToussaintBeauclairBlood and WineShortcut
4397Treasure HuntQuestion MarkSkelligeUndvikWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Vitner's Contract: Cleaning Those Hard-To-Reach Places
4397Side QuestNPCToussaintToussaint SouthBlood and WineVitner's Contract: Griffin-in-the-Vines (Duchaton Crest)
4397Side QuestNPCToussaintToussaint WestBlood and WineThe Inconstant Gardener
47100Treasure HuntLootToussaintToussaint SouthBlood and Wine- COMPLETECOMPLETE
Contract: Devil by the Well
256ContractNotice BoardWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Dirty Funds
256Treasure HuntQuestion MarkWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Imperial Audience
256Main QuestAutomaticallyVizimaVizimaWild Hunt Main (/DLC)On Death´s Bed
256Side QuestNPCWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)The Dwarven Document Dilemma
256Side QuestNPCNovigradNovigrad CityWild Hunt Main (/DLC)The Incident at White Orchard
256Main QuestAutomaticallyWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Deserter gold
357Treasure HuntQuestion MarkWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Funeral Pyres
357Side QuestNPCVelenInn by The CrossroadsWild Hunt Main (/DLC)The Beast of White Orchard
357Main QuestAutomaticallyWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)An Unfortunate Turn of Events
458Treasure HuntQuestion MarkMultipleInn by The CrossroadsWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Freya Be Praised!
458Treasure HuntQuestion MarkMultipleKaer MuireWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Queen Zuleyka´s Treasure
458Treasure HuntQuestion MarkMultipleMidcopseWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Sunken Chest
458Treasure HuntQuestion MarkMultipleFyke IsleWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Sunken Treasure
458Treasure HuntQuestion MarkMultipleMidcopseWild Hunt Main (/DLC)Temerian Valuables
458Treasure HuntLootWhite OrchardWhite OrchardWild Hunt Main (/DLC)A Dog´s Life
559Side QuestLocationVelenMidcopseWild Hunt Main (/DLC)
X Marks the Spot
From a land far, far away
Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know
Hard Times
Berengar's blade
Hidden in the Depths
The Black Widow
Applied Escapology
Vitner's Contract: Dun Tynne Hillside
Wine Wars: The Dues in the Machina
But Other Than That, How Did You Enjoy the Play?
Vitner's Contract: Cleaning Those Hard-To-Reach Places
Vitner's Contract: Griffin-in-the-Vines (Duchaton Crest)
The Inconstant Gardener
Contract: Devil by the Well
Dirty Funds
Imperial Audience
On Death´s Bed
The Dwarven Document Dilemma
The Incident at White Orchard
Deserter gold
Funeral Pyres
The Beast of White Orchard
An Unfortunate Turn of Events
Freya Be Praised!
Queen Zuleyka´s Treasure
Sunken Chest
Sunken Treasure