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Melbourne, Australia
Boost pedals for guitars

Boosting the strength of an analogue audio signal is the only aspect these pedals have in common. They vary in types of colour (or tone) they impart on the signal, their price, form and power specifications. Many guitarists use boost pedals to raise the volume of their amplifiers, to pronounce certain sections in songs, bring them forward in a mix and pushing their favourite valve amps into breaking up earlier.

Published 4 years ago
Banking & Financial Compliance Courses |  Safetrac Online Training

The Royal Commission into the gross misconduct in the banking and finance industry has called for organisation’s within this sector to take compliance very seriously, from the bottom line to the C-Suite. Our courses have been specifically designed in conjunction with banking and finance subject matter experts (including Minter Ellison Lawyers) to create content that is relevant to the industry in order to protect your organisation.

Published 4 years ago
Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs)

If you make music on a computer, your DAW - or Digital Audio Workstation, to give it its full name - is the most important tool in your creative arsenal. Yes, you’ll likely have a MIDI keyboard, audio interface, set of studio monitor speakers and possibly a microphone or two in your home recording setup as well, but your music production software sits at the centre of everything.

To help you find the DAW that is right for you, here is a sortable & filterable guide to a growing list of options.

Published 4 years ago