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Limgrave Bosses in Order (Elden Ring)

Here is a checklist you can copy including all Limgrove bosses. It includes whether or not they are optional, loot, and the best tutorials we could find on each of them, by many different creators.

The default view of this list is a comparison board, but you can view it as a table to use it as a checklist (just access the menu below the description on desktop and on the top right corner on mobile).

Here are some of the creators who we recommend (and where we learned a lot of what is featured here).

Rock Paper Shortgun PCGamesN Elden Ring Wiki xHolmesWalkthroughsx7 I.Eat. Games. Fextralife Azzavhar

Gaming Collective
Gaming Collective
24th November 2022 in video gaming
Limgrave Bosses in Order (Elden Ring)
Suggest Item
Use this list
Type of boss:
How to kill it:
Grafted Scion

Grafted Scion

  • Optional
Stormveil Castle
  • 1176 runes
Soldier of Godrick

Soldier of Godrick

  • Optional
Stranded Graveyard
  • 400 runes
Demi-Human Chief

Demi-Human Chief

  • Optional
Dissenter's Cave
  • 900 runes
  • Tailoring Tools
  • Sewing Needle
Erdtree Burial Watchdog

Erdtree Burial Watchdog

  • Optional
Stormfoot Catacombs
  • 1300 runes
  • Noble sorcerer ashes
Beastman of Farum Azula

Beastman of Farum Azula

  • Optional
Griveside Cave
  • 1000 runes
  • Flamedrake Talisman
Stonedigger Troll

Stonedigger Troll

  • Optional
Limgrave Tunnels
  • 1800 runes
  • Roar medallion
Grave Warden Duelist

Grave Warden Duelist

  • Optional
Murkwater Catacombs
  • 1700 runes
  • Battle Hammer


  • Optional
Murkwater Cave
  • Golden rune
  • Grovel for mercy
  • Spear
  • Leather armor, gloves, boots
  • Patches' bell bearing
Guardian Golem

Guardian Golem

  • Optional
Highroad Cave
  • 1700 runes
  • Blue-dancer charm
Black Knife Assassin

Black Knife Assassin

  • Optional
Deathtouched Catacombs
  • 1600 runes
  • Assassin's crimson dagger
Mad Pumpkin Head

Mad Pumpkin Head

  • Optional
Waypoint Ruins
  • 1100 runes
Night's Cavalry

Night's Cavalry

  • Optional
Bridge near Agheel Lake
  • 2400 runes
  • Repeating thrust
  • Nightrider glaive
Tree Sentinel

Tree Sentinel

  • Optional
Limgrave Road
  • 3200 runes
  • Golden Halberd
Flying Dragon Agheel

Flying Dragon Agheel

  • Optional
Dragon-Burnt Ruins
  • 5000 runes
  • Dragon heart
Tibia Mariner

Tibia Mariner

  • Optional
Summonwater Village
  • 2400 runes
  • Deathroot
  • Skeletal militiaman ashes
Bloodhound Knight Darriwil

Bloodhound Knight Darriwil

  • Optional
Forlorn Hound Evergaol
  • 1400 runes
  • Barricade shield
Crucible Knight

Crucible Knight

  • Optional
Stormhill Evergaol
  • 2100 runes
  • Tail
Bell Bearing Hunter

Bell Bearing Hunter

  • Optional
Warmaster's Shack
  • 2700 runes
  • Bone peddler's bell bearing


  • Optional
East of Warmaster's Shack
  • 2800 runes
  • Blue-feathered branchsword
Ulcerated Tree Spirit

Ulcerated Tree Spirit

  • Optional
Fringefolk hero's grave
  • 15000 runes
  • Banished knight oleg
  • Golden seed
Margit, the Fell Omen

Margit, the Fell Omen

  • Optional
  • 12000 runes
  • Talisman pouch
Godrick the Grafted

Godrick the Grafted

  • Optional
Stormveil Castle
  • 15000 runes
  • Godrick's great rune
  • Remembrance of the grafted
Is this list missing something?  Suggest an addition  and we'll send the list owner a message.
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