Initial Location
- Initial LocationCathedral of the Sacred Blood
Sophie Clayton
Cathedral of the Sacred Blood- Initial LocationCrypt Spire
Lyle Wilson
Crypt Spire- Initial LocationDried-up Trenches
Gustav Arens
Dried-up Trenches- Initial LocationHome Base
Human Woman
Home Base- Initial LocationHowling Pit
Richard Saut
Howling Pit- Initial LocationProvisional Government Center
Dominic Weiss
Provisional Government Center- Initial LocationRuined City Center
Matthew Suren
Ruined City CenterSelf Important Revenant
Ruined City CenterDaryl Xenakis
Ruined City Center- Initial LocationRuined City Underground
Shang Berman
Ruined City Underground
- Initial LocationCathedral of the Sacred Blood
Sophie Clayton
- Initial LocationCrypt Spire
Lyle Wilson
- Initial LocationDried-up Trenches
Gustav Arens
- Initial LocationHome Base
Human Woman
- Initial LocationHowling Pit
Richard Saut
- Initial LocationProvisional Government Center
Dominic Weiss
- Initial LocationRuined City Center
Matthew Suren
Self Important Revenant
Daryl Xenakis
- Initial LocationRuined City Underground
Shang Berman