TypeExotic Weapon
The Twin Suns Barrel While Empowered, gain +40% critical strike chance instead of bonus damage.
The Twin Suns Chamber Load 8 Mag Bombs into your magazine. They attach to enemies and are detonated on Reload. The first Mag Bomb attached to each Behemoth part deals +300 damage.
The Twin Suns Grip Dash in a direction, becoming invulnerable for the duration. After dodging through an attack, fire 6 mini-shots that always crit. While in Mag Bomb mode, fires 2 Mag Bombs instead.
The Twin Suns Prism After a critical strike, reduce the cooldown of Mag Bomb mode by 3 seconds.
TypeExotic Armour
After reviving another player, grant them a Radiant Prism that blocks incoming damage for 5 seconds. The first time you take lethal damage, gain a Radiant Prism that blocks incoming damage for 10 seconds. While active, reviving another player fully restores both players but removes the Prism even at full danger.