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Event Planning Checklist

Weddings, Parties, Business

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Angela Chan
Angela Chan
6th December 2016 in weddings
Event Planning Checklist
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  • When
    4 - 6 Months / 1 Year Ahead

  • 1

    Reserve hotel rooms for out of town guests / VIPs (if applicable)

  • 2

    Create a budget

  • 3

    Estimate all event costs (e.g. Equipments, food and beverages, rental, etc.)

  • 4

    Choose and confirm caterer (if necessary)

  • 5

    Order souvenirs, give away items (if applicable)

  • 6

    Select and order recognition items (if applicable)

  • 7

    Create a separate guest list for VIPs (if applicable)

  • 8

    Create preliminary guest list categories

  • 9

    Identify presentations and confirm program speakers / entertainers

  • 10

    Recruit event committee / event team and manager / volunteers

  • 11

    Create publicity plan & brand your event

  • 12

    Determine promotional plan

  • 13

    Determine event goals, objectives and target audience

  • 14

    Develop an event master plan

  • 15

    Develop rain plan for outdoor events

  • 16

    Identify, reserve venue and negotiate details

  • 17

    Select date and time of event

  • 18

    Identify and contact program sponsors / partners

  • When
    3 - 4 Months Ahead

  • 19

    Design and get approval of printed invitations and other printed materials

  • 20

    Determine decorations (e.g. Colour scheme / theme)

  • 21

    Arrange and reserve all equipments (eg A/V equipments, parking, signages, shuttles etc.)

  • 22

    Set registration fees and enable online registration

  • 23

    Finalise and get approval of guest list (including VIPs)

  • 24

    Request and collect speakers/VIPs' bio information, photo, etc

  • 25

    Send save-the-date announcements to guests

  • 26

    Schedule photographer / videographer (if applicable)

  • 27

    Identify and prepare licenses, permits, insurance, etc.

  • 28

    Contact mail services to coordinate printed material mailing (for large quantity)

  • 29

    Create logistical outline for all arrangements as decided on and confirmed

Is this list missing something?  Suggest an addition  and we'll send the list owner a message.
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