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Race for the Galaxy Card List

I am just getting into this great game, and found it hard to understand all of the cards and how to use them together, so I started this list. Currently it only includes cards for the base game. Hope it helps!

Where to buy Race for the Galaxy:

Note: Some of this data was AI generated while I learn the game myself. I am aiming to improve this over time, and will also add cards from the expansions.

Marc Harrison
Marc Harrison
13th September 2024 in hobbies & interests
Race for the Galaxy Card List
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Alien Robot Sentry

Alien Robot Sentry

Alien Robotic Factory

Alien Robotic Factory

Alien Rosetta Stone World

Alien Rosetta Stone World

Alien Tech Institute

Alien Tech Institute

Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri

Aquatic Uplift Race

Aquatic Uplift Race

Artist Colony

Artist Colony

Asteroid Belt

Asteroid Belt

Avian Uplift Race

Avian Uplift Race

Bio-Hazard Mining World

Bio-Hazard Mining World

Black Market Trading World

Black Market Trading World

Blaster Gem Mines

Blaster Gem Mines

Colony Ship

Colony Ship

Comet Zone

Comet Zone

Consumer Markets

Consumer Markets

Contact Specialist

Contact Specialist

Deficit Spending

Deficit Spending

Deserted Alien Colony

Deserted Alien Colony

Deserted Alien Library

Deserted Alien Library

Deserted Alien Outpost

Deserted Alien Outpost

Destroyed World

Destroyed World

Distant World

Distant World

Diversified Economy

Diversified Economy

Drop Ships

Drop Ships

Earth's Lost Colony

Earth's Lost Colony

Empath World

Empath World

Epsilon Eridani

Epsilon Eridani

Expanding Colony

Expanding Colony

Expedition Force

Expedition Force

Export Duties

Export Duties

Former Penal Colony

Former Penal Colony

Free Trade Association

Free Trade Association

Galactic Engineers

Galactic Engineers

Galactic Federation

Galactic Federation

Galactic Imperium

Galactic Imperium

Galactic Renaissance

Galactic Renaissance

Galactic Resort

Galactic Resort

Galactic Survey: SETI

Galactic Survey: SETI

Galactic Trendsetters

Galactic Trendsetters

Gambling World

Gambling World

Gem World

Gem World

Genetics Lab

Genetics Lab

Imperium Armaments World

Imperium Armaments World

Interstellar Bank

Interstellar Bank

Investment Credits

Investment Credits

Lost Alien Battle Fleet

Lost Alien Battle Fleet

Lost Alien Warship

Lost Alien Warship

Lost Species Ark World

Lost Species Ark World

Malevolent Lifeforms

Malevolent Lifeforms

Merchant Guild

Merchant Guild

Merchant World

Merchant World

Mining Conglomerate

Mining Conglomerate

Mining League

Mining League

Mining Robots

Mining Robots

Mining World

Mining World

New Earth

New Earth

New Economy

New Economy

New Galactic Order

New Galactic Order

New Military Tactics

New Military Tactics

New Sparta

New Sparta

New Survivalists

New Survivalists

New Vinland

New Vinland

Old Earth

Old Earth

Outlaw World

Outlaw World

Pan-Galactic League

Pan-Galactic League

Pilgrimage World

Pilgrimage World

Pirate World

Pirate World

Plague World

Plague World

Pre-Sentient Race

Pre-Sentient Race

Prosperous World

Prosperous World

Public Works

Public Works

Radioactive World

Radioactive World

Rebel Base

Rebel Base

Rebel Fuel Cache

Rebel Fuel Cache

Rebel Homeworld

Rebel Homeworld

Rebel Miners

Rebel Miners

Rebel Outpost

Rebel Outpost

Rebel Underground

Rebel Underground

Rebel Warrior Race

Rebel Warrior Race

Refugee World

Refugee World

Replicant Robots

Replicant Robots

Reptilian Uplift Race

Reptilian Uplift Race

Research Labs

Research Labs

Runaway Robots

Runaway Robots

Secluded World

Secluded World

Space Marines

Space Marines

Space Port

Space Port

Spice World

Spice World

Star Nomad Lair

Star Nomad Lair

Terraformed World

Terraformed World

Terraforming Robots

Terraforming Robots

The Last of the Uplift Gnarssh

The Last of the Uplift Gnarssh

Tourist World

Tourist World

Trade League

Trade League

Is this list missing something?  Suggest an addition  and we'll send the list owner a message.
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Spielbound Challenge 2021 - Ultimate Edition

List for tracking the 33 categories of games to play in 2021 to complete the #SpielboundChallenge Ultimate Edition. These are from every part of our library, a combination of both the Family and Strategy Challenge plus a few from the game vaults* that require staff assistance to access. Complete before the end of the year, share your games with #SpielboundChallenge, and stay tuned for monthly updates on the game library and for future coupons/awards in Jan 2022 for those who complete it!

List for tracking the 33 categories of games to play in 2021 to complete the #SpielboundChallenge Ultimate Edition. These are from every part of our library, a combination of both the Family and Strategy Challenge plus a few from the game vaults* that require staff assistance to access. Complete before the end of the year, share your games with #SpielboundChallenge, and stay tuned for monthly updates on the game library and for future coupons/awards in Jan 2022 for those who complete it!

Kaleb Michaud
Published 4 years ago
Spielbound Challenge 2021 - Strategy Edition

List for tracking the 20 categories of games to play in 2021 to complete the #SpielboundChallenge Strategy Edition. These are games mostly in the black shelves in our game library. Complete before the end of the year, share your games with #SpielboundChallenge, and stay tuned for monthly updates on the game library and for future coupons/awards in Jan 2022 for those who complete it!

List for tracking the 20 categories of games to play in 2021 to complete the #SpielboundChallenge Strategy Edition. These are games mostly in the black shelves in our game library. Complete before the end of the year, share your games with #SpielboundChallenge, and stay tuned for monthly updates on the game library and for future coupons/awards in Jan 2022 for those who complete it!

Kaleb Michaud
Published 4 years ago
Spielbound Challenge 2021 - Family Edition

List for tracking the 13 categories of games to play in 2021 to complete the #SpielboundChallenge Family Edition. These are mostly games found in our bright red game shelves. Complete before the end of the year, share your games with #SpielboundChallenge, and stay tuned for monthly updates on the game library and for future coupons/awards in Jan 2022 for those who complete it!

List for tracking the 13 categories of games to play in 2021 to complete the #SpielboundChallenge Family Edition. These are mostly games found in our bright red game shelves. Complete before the end of the year, share your games with #SpielboundChallenge, and stay tuned for monthly updates on the game library and for future coupons/awards in Jan 2022 for those who complete it!

Kaleb Michaud
Published 4 years ago
3 Gifts for Older Adults

Older adults are so deserving of the best gifts we can afford but sometimes, it’s hard to know what to get them. They may seem content with everything they have and you’re struggling to find something truly meaningful. To help you out, follow this guide. Here are three meaningful gifts that are bound to make an older adult’s birthday that little bit extra special.

Older adults are so deserving of the best gifts we can afford but sometimes, it’s hard to know what to get them. They may seem content with everything they have and you’re struggling to find something truly meaningful. To help you out, follow this guide. Here are three meaningful gifts that are bound to make an older adult’s birthday that little bit extra special.

Jeremy Olson
Published 4 years ago