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Postmarks - ZAR

South African Postmarks from my Stamp Collection

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Postmarks - ZAR
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Cape Town

Cape Town

Cacellation Date
03 Aug 1949
Cape Town

Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum.

Cape Town

Cacellation Date
06 Oct 1966
Cape Town

Cape Town

Cacellation Date
10 Aug 1964
Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum.
Cape Town

Cape Town

Cape Town

Cacellation Date
21 Jun 1904
Black Page 8
Cape Town

Cape Town P.B.S.

Cape Town

Cacellation Date
5 Oct 1966
Cape Town

Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum.

Cape Town

Cacellation Date
7 Dec 1959
Black Page 8
Cape Town

Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum.

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Suggested Lists
Lego Train Sets (released since 2000)

Here's a list of all Lego trains released since 2000. Please let me know if I have missed any via the "suggest" button.

Here's a list of all Lego trains released since 2000. Please let me know if I have missed any via the "suggest" button.

Marc Harrison
Updated 9 months ago
Revenue & Telegraph Stamps

Revenues from my Stamp Collection

Revenues from my Stamp Collection

Adel Bulpitt
Updated 4 years ago

Stamps from Poland

Stamps from Poland

Updated 5 years ago
First Day Covers & Sheets

FDCs from my Stamp Collection

FDCs from my Stamp Collection

Adel Bulpitt
Updated 4 years ago
Abecední seznam pivovarů v Čechách

Markova sbírka pivních etiket - Abecední seznam pivovarů v Čechách. Beer labels collection - Alphabetical list of breweries in Bohemia.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket - Abecední seznam pivovarů v Čechách. Beer labels collection - Alphabetical list of breweries in Bohemia.

Marek Ranš
Published 5 years ago
ČR - Středočeský kraj

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů ve Středočeském kraji. / Beer labels collection from breweries from Central Bohemian Region.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů ve Středočeském kraji. / Beer labels collection from breweries from Central Bohemian Region.

Marek Ranš
Updated 5 years ago

Stamps from Romania

Stamps from Romania

Updated 5 years ago
Breweries from Europe except GER, BEL, CZE & SK

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Evropě kromě Německa, Belgie, České R. a Slovenska. Beer labels collection from breweries in Europe except Germany, Belgium, Czech Rep. & Slovakia.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Evropě kromě Německa, Belgie, České R. a Slovenska. Beer labels collection from breweries in Europe except Germany, Belgium, Czech Rep. & Slovakia.

Marek Ranš
Published 5 years ago
The Ultimate Database of Squishmallow Dogs (100+)

This is a list of every Dog Squishmallow, their squads, collector numbers, sizes, pictures and a checklist you can copy and mark. Our goal with this list is to help collectors keep track of their collection.

Finding images of all the squishmallows is very difficult, so we've collected some that were taken from the official website, and some from squishmallow retailers and collectors. All the credit for images is theirs. Our role here is simply to compile the information.

This is a list of every Dog Squishmallow, their squads, collector numbers, sizes, pictures and a checklist you can copy and mark. Our goal with this list is to help collectors keep track of their collection.

Finding images of all the squishmallows is very difficult, so we've collected some that were taken from the official website, and some from squishmallow retailers and collectors. All the credit for images is theirs. Our role here is simply to compile the information.

Updated 2 years ago
ČR - Jihočeský kraj

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Jihočeském kraji. Beer labels collection from breweries from the South Bohemian Region. Bohemia Regent, Budějovický Budvar, Domácí pivovar Brandlín, Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, Pivovar Český Krumlov, Pivovar Malt, Pivovar Protivín, Pivovar Samson, Pivovar u Švelchů, Pivovarský dvůr Zvíkov, Šumavský Pivovar Vimperk.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Jihočeském kraji. Beer labels collection from breweries from the South Bohemian Region. Bohemia Regent, Budějovický Budvar, Domácí pivovar Brandlín, Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, Pivovar Český Krumlov, Pivovar Malt, Pivovar Protivín, Pivovar Samson, Pivovar u Švelchů, Pivovarský dvůr Zvíkov, Šumavský Pivovar Vimperk.

Marek Ranš
Updated 5 years ago
Breweries from Germany, Belgium and Slovakia

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Německu, Belgii a na Slovensku. Beer labels collection from breweries Breweries in Germany, Belgium and Slovakia.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Německu, Belgii a na Slovensku. Beer labels collection from breweries Breweries in Germany, Belgium and Slovakia.

Marek Ranš
Published 5 years ago
Postmarks - Africa

African Postmarks from my Stamp Collection

African Postmarks from my Stamp Collection

Adel Bulpitt
Updated 4 years ago
ČR - Liberecký kraj

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Libereckém kraji.  Beer labels collection from breweries in the Liberec Region. Minipivovar Novosad a syn, Pivovar Cvikov, Pivovar Liberec Vratislavice, Pivovar Rohozec, Pivovar Svijany, Pivovar U Čápa, Pivovar Volt, První Maloskalská, Zámecký pivovar Frýdlant.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket z pivovarů v Libereckém kraji.  Beer labels collection from breweries in the Liberec Region. Minipivovar Novosad a syn, Pivovar Cvikov, Pivovar Liberec Vratislavice, Pivovar Rohozec, Pivovar Svijany, Pivovar U Čápa, Pivovar Volt, První Maloskalská, Zámecký pivovar Frýdlant.

Marek Ranš
Updated 5 years ago
Abecední seznam pivovarů na Moravě a ve Slezsku a létající pivovary

Markova sbírka pivních etiket - Abecední seznam pivovarů na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Beer labels collection - Alphabetical list of breweries in Moravia and Silesia.

Markova sbírka pivních etiket - Abecední seznam pivovarů na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Beer labels collection - Alphabetical list of breweries in Moravia and Silesia.

Marek Ranš
Published 5 years ago