Unlock Method
- SelectionHunter
Celestial Nighthawk
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorHelmetFoetracer
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorHelmetKnucklehead Radar
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorHelmetMechaneer's Tricksleeves
HunterStory mission quest reward *GauntletsYoung Ahamkara's Spine
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorGauntletsThe Dragon's Shadow
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorChestLucky Raspberry
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorChestRaiden Flux
HunterStory mission quest reward *ChestLucky Pants
HunterStory mission quest reward *LegsOrpheus Rig
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorLegsST0MP-EE5
HunterDrop, Engram or VendorLegsAeon Swift
HunterCurse of Osiris completion reward *GauntletsGemini Jester
HunterCurse of Osiris - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsGraviton Forfeit
HunterCurse of Osiris - Drop, Engram or VendorHelmetShinobu's Vow
HunterCurse of Osiris - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsWormhusk Crown
HunterWarmind - Drop, Engram or Vendor *HelmetSealed Ahamkara Grasps
HunterWarmind - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsOphidia Spathe
HunterWarmind - Drop, Engram or VendorChestFR0ST-EE5
HunterWarmind - Drop, Engram or VendorLegsApotheosis Veil
HunterWarmind - Drop, Engram or VendorHelmetGwisin Vest
HunterForsaken - Drop, Engram or VendorChestOathkeeper
HunterForsaken - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsShards of Galanor
HunterForsaken - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsThe Sixth Coyote
HunterForsaken - Drop, Engram or VendorChestLiars Handshake
HunterSeason of the Drifter - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsKhepri's Sting
HunterSeason of Opulance - Drop, Engram or VendorGauntletsAssassin's Cowl
HunterShadowkeep - Drop, Engram or VendorHelmet- SelectionTitan
Insurmountable Skullfort
TitanDrop, Engram or VendorHelmetMask of the Quiet One
TitanDrop, Engram or VendorHelmetACD/0 Feedback Fence
TitanStory mission quest reward *GauntletsDoom Fang Pauldron
TitanStory mission quest reward *Gauntlets
- SelectionHunter
Celestial Nighthawk
Knucklehead Radar
Mechaneer's Tricksleeves
Young Ahamkara's Spine
The Dragon's Shadow
Lucky Raspberry
Raiden Flux
Lucky Pants
Orpheus Rig
Aeon Swift
Gemini Jester
Graviton Forfeit
Shinobu's Vow
Wormhusk Crown
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
Ophidia Spathe
Apotheosis Veil
Gwisin Vest
Shards of Galanor
The Sixth Coyote
Liars Handshake
Khepri's Sting
Assassin's Cowl
- SelectionTitan
Insurmountable Skullfort
Mask of the Quiet One