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FO4 Magazines

Fallout 4 magazines checklist

2nd February 2018 in video gaming
FO4 Magazines
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  • Totals:

  • Type
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales

  • 1
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #1
    Located in Outpost Zimonja on the workshop
    Regenerate 1 point of health per minute
  • 2
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #2
    Located in Skylanes Flight 1981 - below the cockpit on the restroom toilet
    do +5% more damage with scope rifles
  • 3
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #3
    Located in Boston Mayoral Shelter - lower level bedroom on a small table
    take 5% less damage from Robots
  • 4
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #4
    Located in Dunwich Borers below terminal #3 at the bottom of the pit - table by the streamer trunk
    do +5% more damage with the Alien Blaster
  • 5
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #5
    Located in East Boston Preparatory School - southeast corner of the top floor - on desk in computer room
    gain +5% poison resistance
  • 6
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #6
    Located in Crater of Atom - on the top floor of the central metal shack that's built into the rock to the north
    do +5% damage against Mirelurks
  • 7
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #7
    Located in Sentinel Site in the metal hut at the end of the tunnels that overlook the big stockpile room
    do +5% damage at night
  • 8
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #8
    Located in Coast Guard Pier on the toilet inside the locked cell next to the secured storage room
    gain +5 action points
  • 9
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #9
    Located in the Institute - north of the atrium on the outside balcony reachable via Holdren's quarters
    do +5 damage with the Cryolator
  • 10
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #10
    Located in Trinity Plaza on the east side of the church interior - on the Lectern next to the streamer trunk
    gain +5 Radiation Resistence
  • 11
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #11
    Located in Hubris Comics on the top floor in the "Star" dressing room
    RadAway heals +5% radiation damage
  • 12
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #12
    Located in Pickman Gallery in the room where you meet Pickman - to the right of the streamer trunk
    BloodMeat takes 10% less damage
  • 13
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #13
    Located in Old North Church inside Railroad HQ - Go to the Brick crypt area and check the west portion of the room
    do +5 percent damage to Ghouls
  • 14
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales #14
    Located in Park Street Station (Vault 114) in the living quarters area - container in the blocked corridor
    do +5 percent damage to Super Mutants
  • Type
    Grognak the Barbarian

  • 15
    Grognak the Barbarian #1
    Located in your old home in Sanctuary Hills on the Kitchen table
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 16
    Grognak the Barbarian #2
    Located in Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup - east end of the main warehouse - desk with the key in the small office
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 17
    Grognak the Barbarian #3
    Located in Malden Middle School (Vault 75) on the bed inside the Overseer's office
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 18
    Grognak the Barbarian #4
    Located in Coverga Assembly Plant on the top floor of the assembly level - metal hut you reach via the catwalk
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 19
    Grognak the Barbarian #5
    Located in Vault 81 - given as a reward from Katy in return for completing Misc. quest
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 20
    Grognak the Barbarian #6
    Located in Museum of Witchcraft - check the table in the "dungeon" room on the upper floor
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 21
    Grognak the Barbarian #7
    Located in Hyde Park on the roof of the builidings in the raider camp towards the south
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 22
    Grognak the Barbarian #8
    Located in Back Street Apparel - in the devastated upstairs appartment on the living room table
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 23
    Grognak the Barbarian #9
    Located in Boston Common close to the Park Street Station entrance - in the enclosed shop area by the skeleton
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • 24
    Grognak the Barbarian #10
    Located near Andrew Street Station in the bus and apartment wreckage on the bed of the comic book fan's apt.
    each Mag. adds +5% damage to Unarmed/Melee
  • Type
    Guns and Bullets

  • 35
    Guns and Bullets #1
    Located in Fort Hagen in the kitchen area to the southeast of the top floor - check the oval table
    each Mag. adds +5% to balastic critical damage
  • 36
    Guns and Bullets #2
    Located in Rook Family House on a metal desk by the lantern and filing cabinet inside Barney's bunker
    each Mag. adds +5% to balastic critical damage
  • 37
    Guns and Bullets #3
    Located in South Boston Military Checkpoint on a metal desk by the east wall
    each Mag. adds +5% to balastic critical damage
  • Totals:

  • Type
    Astoundingly Awesome Tales

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • Type
    Grognak the Barbarian

  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • Type
    Guns and Bullets

  • 35
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Credit of image: Taoino_YT

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