The Abomination, a creature with four legs and a purple hue, possesses muscular tiger-like arms, crocodile-like claws, a dragon-like beak, and water buffalo horns. Its shaggy purple mane and six red eyes are striking, but the most remarkable feature of this beast is the dozens of strong, prehensile tentacles that sprout from its back. Moreover, its incredible regenerative abilities are such that it can heal completely even after being sliced in half and shot with Voltron's shoulder cannon.

Acxa is a former general of the Galra Empire and one of Prince Lotor's top generals. She is rescued by Keith and later questions her loyalty to Lotor after he kills Narti. Acxa eventually betrays Lotor and becomes an undercover agent for him. After being ejected into space, Acxa switches sides and helps the Voltron Coalition.

King Alfor was the previous ruler of Altea and the father of Princess Allura. He also served as the original Paladin of the Red Lion and was responsible for constructing the Voltron Lions from a Trans-reality Comet that crashed into Planet Daibazaal. Sadly, he was killed by Zarkon ten thousand years ago, but not before dispersing the Voltron Lions and placing his daughter and Coran in a deep slumber. King Alfor created an artificial intelligence from his memories and saved them in the Castle of Lions before his passing.

Allura, the last of the Sacred Alteans, was the princess of the extinct Planet Altea. She played a vital role in her father's war council and led the Castle of Lions in the fight against Zarkon. In addition to formerly piloting the Blue Lion, she was skilled in combat, strategy, public speaking, and alchemy. Allura dedicated herself to being the face of the resistance against the Galra, relentlessly pursuing peace and balance in the Universe, regardless of the cost, which ultimately led to her death.

There is limited information available about this character, except for his position as a scientist in the Altean Empire and his involvement in Commander Hira's examination of an ancient ship trapped in a dimensional anomaly. He works alongside an assistant named Moxilous and does not appear to be overly concerned about his regime's tendency to remove the free will of the people they conquer.

Antok, a member of the Blade of Marmora, appeared to be either the bodyguard or aide of Kolivan. His physique was robust and noticeably larger than Kolivan and the other members. Although he always wore a mask, it was evident that he possessed the skills and abilities of a Blade of Marmora member. However, there is a chance that he may only be partly Galra, as he has a tail (if it is not part of his uniform) and three-fingered hands.

The ruler of Planet Arus, known as the Arusian king, is convinced that his people, the Arusians, have upset the "Lion Goddess" following a battle between Voltron and Sendak's warship. Allura and the Voltron team are brought to his village by his warrior Klaizap, where the king orders Moontow to perform the Dance of Apology. However, Allura explains that there is no deity that is upset, and the King accepts her and the team as reliable allies. The team protects him from the Galactic Gladiator's attack, and he attends their celebratory party at the Castle of Lions. When Sendak's soldiers attack his village, he reaches out to the team for assistance.

The Holt family dog, formerly known as Gunther, is now called Bae Bae. She is a fawn Bull Terrier with short hair, a snub nose, perky ears, and a red collar. The dog was renamed to commemorate the passing of a beloved pet of one of the recording studio staff, who died due to bone cancer after recording Season 2 of Voltron. Although Bae Bae's character continues to exist in the show, the real-life dog's memory lives on through her name. Bae Bae is depicted as a loyal dog who remembers Pidge and Matt even after many years have passed.

The Baku is an enormous sea serpent that resides in a Mer community on an unidentified ice planet. It lives in the ocean's depths under a thick layer of polar ice and sustains itself by controlling the minds of its prey, leading them to feed themselves to the "Baku garden," where the manipulative worm rests. When Hunk and Lance find themselves stranded in the undersea kingdom, they assist in freeing the inhabitants from the creature's control by slaying the Baku.

Bii-Boh-Bi is a representative of a nameless species that are tall, remarkably skinny, and resemble two-legged sticks. He communicates solely by making "Boh" and "Bii" sounds, except when referring to names not from his homeworld. Bii-Boh-Bi partnered with Coran to organize events during Team Voltron's tour to recruit members for the Voltron Coalition.

In this story, Elderbug Blate is an alien who resides in a village protected by a guardian. Every year, Blate helps the villagers prepare a feast for the guardian to ensure the village's safety. However, when the Voltron Paladins arrive and accidentally kill the guardian, Blate is angry with them. The Paladins eventually discover that the Abomination was only drawn to the village because of the guardian's food. After they defeat the Abomination, Elderbug Blate forgives the Paladins and directs them to Princess Malocoti for information about the Yalexian Pearl.

Although little information is available about Blaytz, his personality seems to share many similarities with his successor, Lance. He was a sociable and outgoing person who enjoyed having fun. Additionally, he demonstrated an egalitarian attitude by welcoming a Galran servant to sit with the rest of the prospective Paladins and Alfor's wife. This indicates that Blaytz was a just and compassionate leader, despite holding a high rank within his species.

Blumfump is a Mer alien residing on a Frozen Planet who sought out Lance's aid to protect his underwater home from being brainwashed. Along with Plaxum and Swirn, they abducted Lance from Queen Luxia and convinced him that their society was under mind control. However, Lance and Hunk discovered that a colossal, plant-like worm monster hidden in the Baku garden was the true source of the mind control. After the Paladins vanquished the creature, Queen Luxia offered Blumpfump, Plaxum, and Swirn to be her advisors.

It is believed that Bob is an inter-dimensional being with immense power and knowledge who evaluates the valor of exceptional warriors. According to popular myths, encountering him and surviving the encounter is an indication of one's destined path towards greatness. Although it is uncertain whether he presents himself as a four-armed green extraterrestrial, Bob is recognized as the host of the renowned intergalactic competition known as Garfle Warfle Snick.

In the sixth season of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Commander Bogh serves as a Galra commander. During Sendak's arrival at the Omega Shield Station, he discovers that Bogh is on the brink of pledging loyalty to Lotor. As a result, Sendak directs his fleet to commence firing, which leads to significant destruction of both the station and the labor colony it safeguards.

An assassin-for-hire known as The Bounty Hunter, who is a reptilian creature, is after Matt Holt, an operative of the Voltron Coalition, because the Galra Empire has offered a reward for his capture. When Pidge, who is looking for her sibling, meets up with Matt at his hideout, The Bounty Hunter trails them and endeavors to apprehend both of them. Fortunately, he suffers a resounding defeat, although he makes a comeback in Season 8, seeking revenge.

Previously tasked with occupying Olkarion, Commander Branko was an exiled military leader who coerced the Olkari into constructing a colossal cube-shaped super weapon capable of deflecting assaults. His aspiration was to be reinstated into Zarkon's primary fleet by accomplishing this feat.

In "The End is The Beginning", Pidge and Matt construct an android named Chip, which bears a resemblance to Pidge's sibling, Chip, from the original Defender of the Universe series, who served as a Vehicle Voltron pilot. The android's name derives from the microchip that endows it with self-awareness and powers it. Pidge instructs Matt to refrain from activating Chip until she comes back from her Altea journey, implying that she has a significant emotional investment in its creation and that it will play a significant role in the show's forthcoming episodes.

Colleen Holt is a character portrayed in Voltron: Legendary Defender and the mother of Katie and Matt Holt. At present, little information is available regarding her except that she stayed on Earth until her spouse, Sam Holt, reappeared in Season 7, making her the only member of the Holt clan to do so.

The strict and straightforward Commander M. Iverson manages the Galaxy Garrison training facility where all of the Paladins were trained before finding the Blue Lion. He was responsible for forbidding Katie Holt from accessing Garrison premises after discovering her breaking into his office and hacking records for intel about the lost Kerberos mission. Furthermore, he participated in the Garrison's inquiry of Shiro's crash location and made an effort to isolate him before Keith rendered all of them unconscious.

Drazil, the second Robeast introduced in Voltron: Legendary Defender, initially appears to be an extraterrestrial lizard but is later transformed into a potent red Robeast. It has rotating laser eyes, numerous sharp teeth, and tentacle arms, each of which releases a green laser. Its most powerful laser is located in the center of its chest. Drazil arrived on Balmera X-95-Vox to engage in combat against Voltron.

In Season Eight of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Commander Drick is a female Galra commander. She located Commander Mar when he went missing during his search for Lotor, and handed him over to Haggar. During the Kral Zera ceremony, just as Drick was about to light the flame, Haggar destroyed her and other Galra officers present at the gathering.

During the time when Zethrid and Ezor were pirate warlords, Fentress was one of the space pirates working under them. However, after an explosion left Zethrid disfigured and fueled by a relentless desire for revenge, Ezor parted ways with her partner due to concerns about her bloodlust. As a result, Fentress ended up becoming Zethrid's trusted right-hand woman in her pursuit of Keith. However, the last known encounter with Fentress was when Keith deceived her by using his discarded armor as a decoy, knocking her unconscious.

Lance and Hunk stumble upon a Mer community during their exploration and encounter Florona. She discovers them after they crash-land on the outskirts of her village and guides them towards civilization while under the influence of the Baku worm - an organism that produces mind-controlling plant life. Unfortunately, after Florona aids Hunk and Lance's escape, she is punished by being fed to the Baku worm.

In season five of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Commander Gnov is a female Galra Commander who held a position of high trust as one of Zarkon's advisers. Though she is not as foolish as Warlord Ranveig, her cruel nature is just as apparent. After Lotor kills Zarkon, Gnov attempts to claim the throne in Kral Zera by uniting Zarkon's inner circle. When Haggar arrives with Sendak, Quartermaster Janka proposes setting aside their differences to confront Haggar, but Gnov disregards this idea, considering it to be a sign of weakness.

Residing on the planet Krell was the Guardian of the Krell, a large insect-like creature that protected the planet's inhabitants from the Abomination, another vicious creature. To maintain the creature's protection, the Krell people would prepare a feast for the guardian every year.
However, when the Paladins of Voltron arrived on the planet in search of a Yalexian Pearl to pay off Coran's debt, they mistook the guardian for the pearl and engaged in a battle, resulting in the guardian's tragic death.

Although there is limited information available about him, it seems that he passed down not only his physical strength and appetite to his successor Hunk, but also a dry sense of humor. Furthermore, it appears that he may have been religious, as he frequently uttered the phrase "By Willow!" which is presumably the name of a deity within his culture.

Honerva, also known as the witch Haggar and the former Galran Empress, possessed a talent for dark magic and previously held the position of high priestess of the Druids serving the Galra Empire. Initially an advisor to Zarkon, she later remembered being his former wife and used her magic to save his life. Despite this, Zarkon was ultimately killed by his son Lotor, who harbored a deep resentment towards Haggar as well.
After her son was lost at the hands of Voltron, Haggar returned to her original identity as Honerva and distanced herself from the Galra Empire. She gathered Alteans from Lotor's colony and trained them to hate both the Galra and Voltron, employing them to pilot her Komar Mechs and launching one to Earth.

Hawkins, a Galra space pirate featured in Voltron: Legendary Defender, collaborated with Zethrid and Ezor after they seized Commander Mar's cruiser. With Lotor out of the picture, the trio sought to capitalize on the power vacuum in the Galra Empire. However, Keith intervened and managed to retrieve the helmets and Bayards from Hawkins and another pirate.
Despite this initial setback, Hawkins and his fellow space pirates regrouped and launched another attempt to capture the Lions and Paladins. However, they were ultimately thwarted and imprisoned when the IGF-Atlas arrived to assist the Paladins.

Haxus, a Galra soldier serving under the command of Sendak, met his demise at the hands of Pidge and Rover. Although his personality remains largely unexplored, he embodied the Galra code, where a Galra soldier must triumph or die. He was undoubtedly a committed soldier and cunning infiltration specialist who cloned access codes from Rover and implanted them into an unmodified Galra drone. His ultimate demise occurred as he fell to his death while taking Rover with him.

Lieutenant Hepta served as Sendak's second-in-command during the Earth invasion and was also a member of the Fire of Purification in Voltron: Legendary Defender. He played a significant role in leading the Galra fleet under Sendak's command, helping conquer many territories across the universe.

In an alternate reality featured in Voltron: Legendary Defender, Commander Hira is a female Altean who comes from a reality where her people, instead of the Galra, became the evil empire. Her world's Altea survived and defeated the initial Galra uprising, after which they sought to preserve life in the universe, even if it meant implanting mind-control devices into those who opposed them.

Hunk, one of the Paladins of Voltron, is a multi-talented individual and a crucial member of the team. In addition to being a skilled combatant, he possesses expertise in piloting, mentoring, diplomacy, engineering, and culinary arts, having earned a galaxy-wide reputation as a chef. He pilots the Yellow Lion, one of the robotic lions forming the mighty Voltron.

Hunk formed the Empire after the conclusion of the Galra war as a means of uniting the Universe through the belief that well-fed individuals lead to happy lives. This collective encompasses a variety of alien races, primarily those who have become acquainted with Hunk throughout his tenure as a Paladin of Voltron.

James Griffin is a member of the Galaxy Garrison and serves as one of the MFE pilots in Voltron: Legendary Defender. He, along with Rizavi, Kinkade, and Leifsdottir, was trained by Sam Holt to fly MFE fighters. When Sendak and his fleet attacked Earth, Griffin and his fellow MFE pilots fought alongside Team Voltron to defend their planet.

Keith is the current leader of Voltron as the Paladin of the Black Lion, and has previously held the role of the Paladin of the Red Lion as well. He is known for his quiet nature and dry humor, and has a tendency to be a lone wolf and rebel. Due to his "discipline issues," he was expelled from the Galaxy Garrison. Keith briefly left the Voltron team to work for the Blade of Marmora, but later returned and regained his position as the leader of the legendary defender.

The human father of Keith is known to have saved Krolia from her crash-landing on Earth and subsequently started a relationship with her. He appears in Keith's vision during his Blade of Marmora trials, as well as in flashbacks of Krolia's memories. However, little is known about him, including his name, except for his striking resemblance to Keith, his southern accent, and the fact that he appeared to be in his mid-thirties in Keith's vision.

Klaizap, also known as Klyzap, is an Arusian who claims to be the bravest of all Arusian warriors. He ventures towards the Castle of Lions to investigate the reason behind the "Lion Goddess's" displeasure towards his people, and introduces the team to the neighboring village, which is governed by the Arusian King.

Kolivan is the head of the Blade of Marmora, a Galra resistance group that seeks to overthrow Zarkon's rule over the Galra Empire by clandestine means and infiltrating the Empire's ranks. Initially, Kolivan distrusts working with the Voltron team, suspecting that Keith had taken a Marmora blade unlawfully, but once Keith proves his rightful ownership of the blade due to his Galran ancestry, Kolivan decides to form an alliance with Allura and the Paladins to defeat Zarkon.

Keith's companion is Kosmo, a wolf with a cosmic origin. He was found by Keith and Krolia after they landed on a cosmic whale during their journey through the Quantum Abyss. Kosmo has the unique ability to teleport and enjoys getting scratches on his head, but he also has a tendency to chew on household items and become lonely.

Kova, an Altean feline-like creature, was the pet of Honerva and remained loyal to Haggar throughout the 10,000 years of the Galra's reign. Lotor later gifted Kova to his blind and mute general, Narti, but after her death, Kova returned to Haggar. Unfortunately, Kova was used as part of a spell during Season 8 and was ultimately sacrificed.

The Krell sorceress is an extraterrestrial inhabitant of a planet named Krell. She has cast a spell on Princess Malocoti, transforming her into a massive red dragon. Due to the enchantment, Malocoti is unable to harm the sorceress, but also cannot communicate to reveal her identity to others.

Kythylian Mu, a long-time friend of Coran, is an alien who collaborated with Coran to send the Paladins of Voltron on a training mission. To deceive the Paladins, they made them believe that Kythylian had captured Coran due to his unpaid bet after sleeping for ten thousand years. However, Kythylian would release Coran only if the Paladins brought him a Yalexian Pearl to pay off the debt. The deception was exposed once the Paladins delivered the Pearl. Kythylian's intention was to sell the Pearl to raise funds for the war against the Galra Empire.

La-Sai is a native of Planet Olkarion and one of the Olkari who have been enslaved by Branko. He is being forced to serve King Lubos, who betrayed his people to the Galra Empire to ensure his own safety and comfort. When Team Voltron uncovers the truth about the betrayal, La-Sai helps them to bring King Lubos to justice by taking him to Ryner and the Olkari rebels.

Lieutenant Lahn was the second in command on the Omega Shield Station, but became a warlord after Voltron disappeared. He swore loyalty to the Voltron Coalition after the super weapon was destroyed and urged his soldiers to do the same. Keith requested his help in retrieving weapons from a Galra base.

In season five of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Lieutenant Letch was General Branko's second-in-command. He and Branko attacked Olkarion after Lotor killed Zarkon, as Branko wanted to prove himself worthy of the throne. However, Letch died alongside Branko when their cruiser was shot by the ion cannon during the attack.

Ozar is a leading member of the freedom fighters based on Kraydah's moon, who distributes aid to liberated planets. He becomes an ally of the Voltron Coalition after being rescued from a Galra attack by Pidge. Ozar participates in major battles against the Galra, including the fight against the Fire of Purification in Season 7.

Emperor Lotor was the prince and later emperor of the Galra Empire, succeeding his father Zarkon. He was defeated by the Voltron team with the help of the Blade of Marmora and their allies, after Zarkon's obsession with the Black Lion led to his downfall and comatose state. Haggar ordered the Empire's commanders to summon Lotor to take over the throne.

Formerly aligned with Haggar, Macidus is a Druid who deceives Team Voltron by enticing them to a planet ravaged by war in "The Ruins," where he poses as a local inhabitant. He employed Kolivan's code as a ploy to lure other members of the Blade of Marmora to his hideout, where he would eliminate them.

Residing on Krell as an extraterrestrial, Princess Malocoti has fallen under the control of an evil Krell Sorceress, which has resulted in her transformation into a colossal red dragon. Although she is unable to harm the sorceress due to the enchantment, she is also unable to communicate her true identity to others. As a dragon, her formerly amicable demeanor is now overridden by fits of anger.

In Season Eight of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Commander Mar served as a Galra commander who was tasked by Haggar to locate and retrieve Lotor. During his mission, Lotor's generals captured his ship, leaving him stranded. Subsequently, Commander Drick discovered and rescued him before taking him to Haggar. Through the use of magic, Haggar extracted Lotor's whereabouts from Commander Mar's unconscious body, leading to his untimely demise.

Melenor, the former Queen of Planet Altea, was the spouse of King Alfor and the mother of Princess Allura. Though there is scant information available about her, she is occasionally seen through flashbacks or visions in the series. The glimpses that are provided reveal her to be a devoted mother to Allura and deeply affectionate towards King Alfor, despite little being known about the details of their relationship.

Merla, an Altean Acolyte, is among the few remaining descendants of Altean survivors who were conducting trading missions off-planet during the annihilation of Planet Altea. In an effort to locate her son Lotor, she worked for Haggar, but she ultimately betrayed her when Haggar attempted to offer up her comrades to Lotor as a sacrifice.

Myzax, also known as the Galactic Gladiator, was a formidable alien who remained undefeated in the Galra Empire's arena. During Shiro's captivity as a Galra prisoner, he was pitted against Myzax for Zarkon's amusement. Although originally slated to fight Myzax, Matthew Holt was spared from certain death when Shiro feigned a bloodthirsty desire for combat and attacked Matt, only causing minor injuries. The ruse worked, and Shiro was selected to fight Myzax instead, which led to his victory and the acquisition of the title "Champion." Xi was an eyewitness to these events.

Nadia is the daughter of Lisa and Luis and the niece of Lance. Although she appears in a family photo in series one, she does not officially make her debut until the seventh series episode "Know Your Enemy." In that episode, she and the rest of her family run to embrace Lance upon the paladins' return to Earth.

Narti, one of Prince Lotor's top generals, served as a general of the Galra Empire despite being both blind and mute. However, she had the ability to communicate telepathically with Kova, Honerva's old cat, whom she relied on to see. Unfortunately, Lotor believed that she was being used as a spy by Haggar and killed her.

Nyma is a bounty hunter of alien origin who, along with her partner Rolo and their cyber-unit Beezer, attempted to steal Lance's Blue Lion with the intention of handing it over to Commander Prorok. In exchange, they were promised a reward and the clearing of their criminal records with the Galra.

In season 4 of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Olia, a female captain and rebel pilot, is a member of the Voltron Coalition fighting against Zarkon. Olia's species resembles that of a canine, but it is unknown. It is revealed that she has been working alongside Matthew Holt after being saved from Galra captivity by Te-osh. The name "Olia" is pronounced as "Oh-leah".

The Olkari Tech was a member of Zethrid's pirate crew who worked for the Galra Empire. When the Voltron Lions were captured and Zethrid and some of her crew went to hunt the Paladins, she instructed him to prevent the IGF-Atlas from interfering by sending fake messages. However, the Atlas crew managed to uncover the deception and locate the Paladins in danger. As a result, Zethrid's cruiser was shot down with an electromagnetic pulse, leading to the arrest of the Olkari Tech and the rest of Zethrid's crew.

The Paladins are a group of skilled warriors who take on the role of piloting the Voltron. In the past, the Paladins came from different alien races, including Alteans and Galrans, who resided in the Castle of Lions. However, ten thousand years after the lions were hidden on planets throughout the universe by Alfor, five new Paladins were chosen, all of them humans hailing from planet Earth.

Katie "Pidge" Holt, former pilot of the Green Lion of Voltron, enrolled in the Galaxy Garrison under a fake name to search for her missing family. She is highly intelligent, agile and strategic fighter, and a versatile mathematician, hacker, and inventor. Pidge revealed her true identity and gender only after joining Voltron and is fiercely loyal to her friends. After season 8, she left Voltron to pursue her dreams.

In season two of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Lance and Hunk received help from Plaxum, a mermaid-like alien, after her people were brainwashed by a giant plant-like alien worm named Baku. Plaxum, along with her friends Blumfump and Swirn, asked for Lance's assistance in saving their people. They used a jellyfish to block the brainwashing power of the worm, but were unaware that the jellyfish was actually a hypnotic food provided by Baku. After Plaxum removed the jellyfish, Lance began to show interest in her.

The giant red dragon Princess Malocoti, who hails from Planet Krell, was cursed by a witch to remain in that form and couldn't speak or attack the sorceress who had cast the spell. The Paladins managed to defeat the sorceress and break the spell, and the grateful princess suggested that they seek out the Great Universal Sphinx for help with their quest to find the Yalex.

Commander Prorok served as an officer of the Galra Empire and was stationed at the Empire's Central Command. He aimed to capture Voltron himself to gain Zarkon's favor, and distrusted Haggar. However, his plans failed, and Zarkon became suspicious of him, mistaking his actions for an attempt to seize Voltron's power. Prorok's attempts to prove himself led to his undoing.

Luxia was enthralled by a plant-like monster named Baku who enslaved her people by providing them with food. She was suspected to be behind the brainwashing by some of her people, and only three rebels were left after they tried to stop it. Lance and Hunk arrived and teamed up with Plaxum, Swirn and Blumfump to restore Luxia's free will. Luxia revealed that her people had been the monster's nourishment since its arrival. After defeating the Baku, Luxia helped find Lance and Hunk's friends using an ancient energy-based transmitter.

In season five of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Warlord Ranveig is a brutal Galra Commander who was sent by Zarkon to the far reaches of the universe to conquer new worlds. Known for his fierceness, Ranveig's reputation has won him the loyalty of many factions, making him a strong candidate for the title of Emperor.

Rolo is an alien bounty hunter who is known for his dishonesty. Along with his partner Nyma and their cyber-unit Beezer, he tries to steal Lance's Blue Lion with the intention of handing it over to Commander Prorok. In exchange for the Blue Lion, Rolo expects a reward as well as having his and Nyma's criminal records with the Galra expunged.

Romelle is a descendant of the Altean survivors who were off-planet during the destruction of Altea. While her people were grateful to Prince Lotor for rescuing them, Romelle had doubts about the legitimacy of the new "colony" where many Alteans were sent. When Keith and Krolia arrive, they reveal the truth that the other colony is actually a facility where select Alteans are being harvested for their Quintessence.

Ryan Kinkade is a skilled pilot and officer in the Galaxy Garrison, serving as one of the four MFE Fighter pilots. He is known for his stoic demeanor, but is always there to support his team. Ryan has exceptional aim and is considered the best shooter among the MFE Pilots. He joins Team Voltron in their mission to free Earth from Sendak's forces.

Ryner leads the Olkari rebels on Olkarion, fighting to free their imprisoned king Lubos from Commander Branko's occupation. Upon receiving their distress signal in space, Team Voltron comes to their aid. With Team Voltron's help, they discover that Lubos is a traitor and free Olkarion from the Galra Empire's grasp. Ryner pledges her support to fight the Galra Empire, and her people assist in constructing a large teludav for the plan to defeat Zarkon.

Sal is the owner of Vrepit Sal's, a food establishment located at the Unilu Space Mall, run by the Galra. Hunk meets him after being forced to wash dishes at his restaurant, and subsequently teaches him about Earth cuisine, leading to a significant boost in business. When Hunk leaves, Sal vows to find him no matter where in the galaxy he may be.

Admiral Ellen Sanda betrayed Team Voltron and Earth by helping Commander Sendak, but was imprisoned with the Paladins. She tricked a Galra lieutenant and fought to buy time for the Lions to rescue their Paladins. Sanda was mortally wounded but Keith saved the Paladins and Earth as she requested.

After being stranded on planet Arus, Commander Sendak was assigned the task of infiltrating the Castle of Lions and nearly succeeded in taking it down, but was ultimately ejected into space by Shiro in a cryogenic pod. He was later freed by Acxa, Ezor, and Zethrid, acting on orders from Haggar, after Zarkon's death.

Seok Jin is a crew member of IGF-Atlas who was observed leaving the ATLAS with a backpack containing organic samples. Commander Holt believed that these samples could be useful in reconstructing society on Earth. Lieutenant Ryan Kinkade appears to have been a good acquaintance of Seok Jin's.

Shay is a resident alien on Balmera X-95-Vox, a planet that is alive, and is employed by the Galra Empire to extract power Crystals from her planet to power their warships. Rax is her sibling. Following Hunk's return to the Balmera with Team Voltron to rescue them and restore their dying planet, Shay and her family are liberated from the Galra Empire.

Takashi Shirogane, also known as Champion among the slaves in the Galra arena, was a highly skilled pilot with a legendary reputation. He was not only the leader of the five Paladins of Voltron, but also the Paladin who piloted the Black Lion. Presently, he serves as the captain of the Atlas.

One of the numerous clones produced as part of Operation Kuron by Haggar, Clone Shiro, managed to infiltrate Team Voltron and is the sole clone to have been activated. His emergence occurred after Shiro's inexplicable disappearance in the aftermath of Voltron's defeat during the Season 2 finale. Although he frequently suffers from chronic headaches and a sense of being "off," he is apparently unaware that he is a clone, even after Haggar manipulates him into turning against Team Voltron, resulting in a showdown with Keith. Allura ultimately transfers Shiro's spirit from the Black Lion into Clone Shiro's body, effectively restoring Shiro's physical form.

A highly talented extraterrestrial engineer named Slav was held captive by the Galra Empire in Beta Traz until his release by the Voltron team. He played a critical role in the downfall of Zarkon, and his technological expertise was subsequently utilized by the Blade of Marmora. Despite being pursued by the Galra Empire, who recognized the value of his knowledge and technology, Slav developed groundbreaking gravity-bending technology capable of concealing entire outposts within pockets of space-time.

On the planet Krell, there is an enigmatic extraterrestrial being called the Great Universal Sphinx, whose origin remains a mystery. The Sphinx tasks the Paladins of Voltron with passing a series of trials to demonstrate their worthiness to receive information concerning the whereabouts of the Yalexian pearl.

Sven is an Alternate Reality version of Shiro, and he is part of the Guns of Gamara, a rebel force fighting against the Altean Empire. Along with the alternate reality version of Slav, Sven is assigned to infiltrate the Altean Tel-Avis deep-space shuttle to examine the condition of the Trans-reality Comet.

Tavo, a male Altean, and his colony were discovered by Haggar who exploited them for her own purposes. When Allura attempted to communicate with him, Haggar used Tavo as a pawn to get rid of her. Eventually, Tavo chose to aid the Voltron Coalition in their final battle against Haggar. He hoped that through Romelle's efforts, his people could make amends for the harm they had caused.

Te-osh was a member of the resistance group who aided in rescuing Matthew Holt from a Galra detention center. During the evacuation of the rebel base on Kraydah's moon, she sustained severe injuries while salvaging medical supplies. Before she passed away, she entrusted Pidge with a transponder containing her brother's contact code.

Thace is a Galra soldier who serves under Commander Prorok. During the mission to rescue Princess Allura from Zarkon's Central Command, Thace mysteriously helps the Voltron team to escape without being noticed. However, Thace is actually a member of the Blade of Marmora, a rebel faction within the Galra Empire. Following Prorok's wrongful accusation of being a traitor and transformation into a Robeast, Zarkon promotes Thace to the rank of Commander and assigns him to investigate the presence of spies within the Empire.

Despite its human-like hair and small arms, this creature possesses a reptilian head with block-shaped teeth, massive arms, and glowing cracks all over its body that become more pronounced when it absorbs energy. It also has a frilled tail, which distinguishes it from a purely human appearance.

Voltron is the defender of the universe, composed of five Lions that were concealed by King Alfor from Emperor Zarkon 10,000 years ago. The five Lions are known as the Black Lion, Red Lion, Blue Lion, Green Lion, and Yellow Lion. They are controlled by Shiro, Keith, Lance, Allura, Pidge, and Hunk, respectively.

The Guardian of Oriande, also referred to as the White Lion, was a mystical creature that protected the realm. Positioned at the entrance, which was situated in a white hole, the White Lion was known to attack intruders, except those who possessed the "Mark of the Chosen." This mark, presumably a genetic feature unique to Alteans, caused their markings to glow and allowed them entry into Oriande.

Zarkon was the ruthless ruler of the Galra Empire for 10,000 years, once a Paladin of Voltron until he was corrupted by Quintessence. He was defeated by the new Paladins, succeeded by his son Lotor, but returned and regained control until he was killed by Lotor in a final battle, leading to the empire's downfall.

Zethrid, a muscular general of the Galra Empire and one of Prince Lotor's top commanders, has a strong proclivity for violence. Following Zarkon's demise, she was held captive with Acxa and Ezor before Haggar recruited them. After Lotor's downfall, Zethrid and Ezor became warlords while Acxa left to forge her own path.