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Clear out one junk drawer
Recycle one item beyond repair
Donate one bag of clothing to those in need
Declutter your dresser
Donate items you’re holding onto “just in case”
Tackle sentimental items
Turn your bedroom into a place of relaxation
Every item has its place
Tackle your electronics
Keep only the necessities in the kitchen
Declutter your shoe collection
Identify your stress triggers
Stay offline for one day
Meditate for fifteen minutes
Declutter your digital life
No-complaint day
Identify your three to six main priorities
Follow a morning ritual
Downsize a reading list
Learn to enjoy solitude
Downsize your beauty collection
Go bare faced
No email, no social media until lunch
Evaluate your commitments
Define your goals for this year
Clean out your closet
Examine your daily habits
Don't buy anything for 24 hours
Practice single-tasking
Unfollow and unfriend day
No TV all day, read instead
Journal for twenty minutes
Create a relaxing bedtime routine
Clear out one junk drawer
Recycle one item beyond repair
Donate one bag of clothing to those in need
Declutter your dresser
Donate items you’re holding onto “just in case”
Tackle sentimental items
Turn your bedroom into a place of relaxation
Every item has its place
Tackle your electronics
Keep only the necessities in the kitchen
Declutter your shoe collection
Identify your stress triggers
Stay offline for one day
Meditate for fifteen minutes
Declutter your digital life
No-complaint day
Identify your three to six main priorities
Follow a morning ritual
Downsize a reading list
Learn to enjoy solitude
Downsize your beauty collection
Go bare faced
No email, no social media until lunch
Evaluate your commitments
Define your goals for this year
Clean out your closet
Examine your daily habits
Don't buy anything for 24 hours
Practice single-tasking
Unfollow and unfriend day
No TV all day, read instead