
Make DIY slime

Paint rock art

Create paper airplanes

Design friendship bracelets

Decorate picture frames

Make DIY journals

Create paper mache animals

Make tissue paper flowers

Paint ceramic figurines

Create pom pom bookmarks

Make paper plate masks

Decorate flower pots

Create sock puppets

Make button art

Create cardboard castles

Paint wooden birdhouses

Make paper lanterns

Design clothespin dolls

Create sand art

Make beaded keychains

Decorate t-shirts

Create paper bag monsters

Make origami animals

Design tie-dye shirts

Create melted crayon art

Make perler bead designs

Create fingerprint art

Make paper pinwheels

Decorate wooden picture frames

Make woven bracelets

Design shrinky dinks

Create paper bag puppets

Make melted bead suncatchers

Decorate treasure boxes

Create cardboard cars

Make paper crowns

Design dreamcatchers

Create paper chains

Make woven bookmarks

Decorate flower headbands

Create paper bag trees

Make wooden spoon puppets

Design keychain charms

Create paper plate animals

Make a birdhouse

Build a bird feeder

Go on a nature scavenger hunt

Go on a nature walk

Have a backyard campout

Go on a treasure hunt

Go fishing

Go on a hike

Go on a bug hunt

Go on a family bike ride

Go on a geocaching adventure

Go on a camping trip

Have a backyard scavenger hunt

Go on a bird watching adventure

Have a family relay race

Go on a nature photo scavenger hunt

Go on a nature art walk

Go on a neighbourhood scavenger hunt

Go on a family kayaking adventure

Play hopscotch

Draw with sidewalk chalk

Play catch

Go on a bike ride

Play with water balloons

Build a fort

Have a water gun fight

Play in a sprinkler

Do yoga

Play frisbee

Do cartwheels

Play soccer

Play with bubbles

Play kickball

Have a backyard movie night

Play with a giant beach ball

Build a backyard obstacle course

Play with squirt guns

Play outdoor mini-golf

Have a nature art project

Have a backyard Olympic games

Play capture the flag

Have a backyard water slide

Play Duck, duck, goose

Play Simon says

Play Red light, green light

Play Mother, may I?

Play Follow the leader

Play Hot potato

Play I Spy

Play Memory game

Play Pictionary

Play Charades

Play Telephone

Play Bingo

Play Tic-tac-toe

Play Hangman

Play Musical chairs

Play Pin the tail on the donkey

Play Freeze dance

Play Balloon toss

Play Hula hoop contest

Play Tug of war

Play Scavenger hunt

Play Red rover

Play Tag

Play Kick the can

Play Sardines

Play Four square

Play Marco Polo

Play Duckpin bowling

Play Beanbag toss

Play Frisbee golf

Play Lawn bowling

Play Croquet

Play Badminton

Play Volleyball

Play Basketball

Play Baseball

Play Football

Play Table tennis

Play Foosball

Play Air hockey

Play Video games

Play Board games

Play Card games

Play Chess

Play Checkers

Have a backyard BBQ

Decorate cookies

Make fruit skewers

Make a fruit salad

Decorate cupcakes

Make pizza

Make popsicles

Make smoothies

Make fruit yogurt parfaits

Make homemade granola

Make trail mix

Make homemade pasta

Make a sandwich bar

Make homemade pizza pockets

Make homemade ice cream

Make sushi rolls

Make vegetable soup

Make homemade bread

Make homemade pasta sauce

Make apple cider

Make homemade jam

Make homemade cheese

Make homemade pickles

Make homemade ketchup

Make homemade salsa

Make homemade guacamole

Make homemade hummus

Make homemade potato chips

Make homemade tortilla chips

Make homemade lemonade

Make homemade hot chocolate

Make homemade marshmallows

Make homemade caramel sauce

Make homemade chocolate sauce

Make homemade peanut butter

Make homemade granola bars

Make homemade energy balls

Make homemade fruit leather

Make homemade beef jerky

Make homemade popcorn

Make homemade pretzels

Make homemade donuts

Make homemade bagels

Make homemade cinnamon rolls

Make homemade croissants

Make homemade biscuits and gravy

Make homemade chicken and dumplings

Make homemade shepherd's pie

Make homemade lasagna

Make homemade chicken Alfredo
CategoryVolunteering and community

Help clean up a local park

Make cards for nursing home residents

Sort and donate clothes to a local shelter

Participate in a local charity walk

Bake cookies for a local fire station or police department

Organize a neighborhood food drive

Help organize a fundraiser for a local charity

Plant trees or flowers in a local park or community garden

Volunteer at a local animal shelter

Make care packages for the homeless

Participate in a community garden project

Donate toys to a children's hospital

Visit a retirement home and spend time with the residents

Participate in a neighborhood clean-up day

Volunteer at a local food bank or soup kitchen

Help organize a book drive for a local school or library

Make and distribute care packages for the elderly

Create and hang birdhouses in a local park or nature reserve

Participate in a community beach or park cleanup

Volunteer at a local community center or after-school program

Help pack and deliver meals for the elderly or sick

Collect and donate school supplies to a local school or charity

Participate in a charity car wash

Organize a fundraiser for a local animal shelter

Help make care packages for soldiers overseas

Assist with a neighborhood beautification project

Collect and donate food to a local food bank or shelter

Volunteer at a local hospital or nursing home

Make and distribute hygiene kits for the homeless

Participate in a neighborhood watch program

Help organize a neighborhood recycling program

Volunteer at a local museum or historical society

Help prepare and serve food at a community Thanksgiving dinner

Participate in a local charity auction

Egg decorating with paint, markers, stickers

Easter egg hunt with plastic eggs filled with treats

Make Easter bunny masks with paper plates

Create Easter baskets with construction paper and ribbon

Easter egg scavenger hunt with clues and riddles

Make Easter bunny ears with paper and pipe cleaners

Paint Easter-themed rocks to hide and find

Bake and decorate Easter cookies

Create Easter-themed window clings with glue and food coloring

Easter-themed sensory bin with plastic eggs and Easter grass

Make Easter-themed slime with glitter and plastic eggs

Create Easter-themed handprint art

Plant Easter grass in eggshell planters

Easter-themed playdough with cookie cutters and plastic eggs

Make Easter bunny sock puppets

Dye Easter eggs with natural ingredients like beets and spinach

Make Easter bunny footprints with paint and paper

Create a spring flower bouquet with tissue paper and pipe cleaners

Easter-themed coloring pages and activity books

Create an Easter-themed sensory bottle with glitter and plastic eggs

Make Easter-themed wind chimes with plastic eggs and ribbon

Easter-themed bean bag toss game with paper plates and bean bags

Create an Easter-themed collage with construction paper and magazine cutouts

Easter-themed memory game with index cards and Easter stickers

Create an Easter-themed puppet show with paper bag puppets